After WW2, why did Stalin let Finland off with some loss of territory rather than occupation and crushing reparations?

Why was Finland not occupied?

In 1944-45 the Red Army could have occupied Finland with impunity, but Stalin chose not to, mainly because Finnish leaders admitted their error and pledged neutrality and friendship with the Soviet Union. “Finlandisation”, as it was called, enabled Finland to remain free of Soviet domination and communist takeover.

What territory did Finland lose after ww2?

Finland lost nearly 23,000 men in that so-called Winter War of 1939-40. As a result of the treaty signed at the end of the Winter War, Finland had to cede parts of Karelia, Salla, and Kuusamo provinces to the Soviet Union, as well as islands in the Gulf of Finland.

Did Finland pay war reparations?

The reparations required great effort from Finland. In addition to paying reparations, Finland had to re-house evacuees from territories ceded to the Soviet Union, conclude the Lapland War, compensate the Soviet Union for property transferred during the war, and pay off the receivables it owed to Germany.

Why did Finland pay war reparations to the Soviet Union?

The Finns were forced to pay reparations because if their attempt to forcibly take land from the Soviet Union during the Continuation War despite the fact that the Soviet Union did forcibly take land from Finland during the Winter War.

Why didn t Russia take over Finland after ww2?

There was mistrust between the two countries. Finland believed the Soviet Union wanted to expand into its territory and the Soviet Union feared Finland would allow itself to be used as a base from which enemies could attack.

Why wasn t Finland occupied after ww2?

Originally Answered: Why wasn’t Finland annexed by the USSR after WWII, like the Baltic states? The answer is simple: Finland fought back. Finland managed to resist Soviet attempts of subjugation and conquest. Finland was never conquered nor occupied neither by Germans nor Soviets.

Was Finland occupied by Russia after ww2?

In August 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agreed that Finland belonged in the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence. Finland fought the Soviet Union twice during World War II. Finland lost both wars, but the Soviet Union never occupied Finland.

How was Finland punished after ww2?

It was punished , Finland had to cede nearly 10% of its territory, including its second largest city, Viipuri, and pay out a large amount of war reparations to the Soviet Union.

Did Finland ever get its territory back from Russia?

At the Treaty of Moscow (March 12, 1940), Finland had to cede Finnish Karelia and Salla, a total of 35,084 sq. km, to the Soviet Union, and “lease” Hango, with an additional 117 sq. km. In the fall of 1941, Finland regained these lost territories.

Why did Sweden give up Finland?

Swedish rule ended in most of so-called Old Finland in 1721 as a result of the Great Northern War. Sweden ceded the remainder of Old Finland in 1743 following the Hats’ War.

Did Finland get occupied in ww2?

The offensive was followed by two and a half years of stationary war. In June 1944 the Soviet Union started its major strategic offensive to occupy all of Finland. In the battles fought during that summer the Finnish Army fell back to near the 1940 borders where it managed to stop the Soviet onslaught.

Was Finland occupied by Russia?

Finland fought the Soviet Union twice during World War II. Finland lost both wars, but the Soviet Union never occupied Finland.

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