Amount of ammunition typically carried by an C18th British redcoat

So 18-36 rounds (if they had 2). 

What were the Redcoats carrying with them?

The bright red color of the wool coats made it easier to see each other in clouds of gunpowder smoke during heavy fighting. The soliders had to carry a knapsack, food bag, overcoat, blanket, water canteens, and ammunition (bullets). This was a heavy burden for a soldier to have to carry while marching.

What was the British Army 1700s?

The British Army of the late 18th century was a volunteer force. Unlike the navy, there was no impressment or conscription into the army, a point of pride for most British subjects. The majority of men who volunteered for service were farm laborers or tradesmen who were out of work.

How old were soldiers in the 18th century?

Most men who served in the Continental Army were between the ages of 15 and 30. Those who served in the Army were merchants, mechanics, and farmers. By 1780, close to 30,000 men served in the Continental Army, which was dispersed throughout the new nation.

What were the red coats called?

Red coat, also referred to as redcoat or scarlet tunic, was a military garment which was widely (though not exclusively) used by the infantry units of the British military, including the British Army and Royal Marines, from the 16th to 19th centuries.

How much ammo did a Revolutionary War soldier carry?

A well-trained soldier could fire three or four shots in a minute, or every 15 or 20 seconds. The soldiers would carry about 30 pre-rolled musket cartridges in a cartridge box they wore on their hip. The cartridges were paper tubes filled with black powder and lead musket ball, usually about . 69 or .

How much did a British soldier get paid in 1776?

How much money did the soldier earn? The British redcoat private earned eight pence a day. If he were a corporal or sergeant, that is, enlisted men who oversaw other enlisted men, they could earn more, as much as a shilling or more (twelve pence). Eight pence a day was not a great deal of money.

How big was the British Army in 1800?


British Army strength
1770 24,000 185,000
1780 35,000 165,000
1790 17,000 210,000
1800 80,000 302,000

Who had the largest army in the 1700s?


In the mid-eighteenth century, the largest army in northern and western Europe belonged to France. During this time, France had a much larger population than all other European nations and states at this time (and it had roughly double the population of Britain and Ireland combined).

Who had the strongest military in the 1700s?

Britain’s navy was the biggest and strongest in the world. Abundance of funding allowed for long-term war planning and the hiring of foreign mercenaries for reinforcements. Britain had key alliance with Iroquois and other Native American peoples.

What kind of weapons did Redcoats use?

The British Redcoat was armed with the Short Land Pattern musket, often called the “Brown Bess.” German units serving with Great Britain often carried the same muskets as the British Regulars, but were also equipped with German made weapons, especially light infantry weapons such as the Jäger Rifle.

What did the colonists throw at the Redcoats who were in the street?

The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occurred on March 5, 1770, between a “patriot” mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers.

What was the most important weapon for the Revolutionary War soldier?


The flintlock musket was the most important weapon of the Revolutionary War. It represented the most advanced technological weapon of the 18th century. Muskets were smooth-bored, single-shot, muzzle-loading weapons. The standard rate of fire for infantrymen was three shots per minute.

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