Did Jinnah in 1947 or 1946 forsake his demand for Pakistan on the condition of maximum autonomy for the provinces within the united India?

When did Jinnah demand for Pakistan?


At its 1940 Lahore session, Muhammad Ali Jinnah announced his demand to create Pakistan as a separate Muslim state.

Why did Jinnah demanded Pakistan?

By 1940, Jinnah had come to believe that the Muslims of the subcontinent should have their own state to avoid the possible marginalised status they may gain in an independent Hindu–Muslim state. In that year, the Muslim League, led by Jinnah, passed the Lahore Resolution, demanding a separate nation for Indian Muslims.

What were Jinnah’s demands?

Jinnah’s Fourteen Points

Federal constitution with residual powers with the provinces. Provincial autonomy. No constitutional amendment without the agreement of the states. All legislatures and elected bodies to have adequate Muslim representation without reducing Muslim majority in a province to minority or equality.

Who first demanded for Pakistan?

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s (1817–1898) philosophical ideas played a direct role in the Pakistan Movement. His Two-Nation Theory became more and more obvious during the Congress rule (1937-1939) in India.

Who rejected the demand of creation of Pakistan?

Cripps Mission rejected the demand of creation of Pakistan. In March 1942 , a mission headed by Stafford Cripps was sent to India with constitutional proposals to seek Indian support for the war.

Who opposed the demand of Jinnah?

Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari argued against Jinnah’s two-nation theory. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, coming from the background with ties to the Indian National Congress and Majlis-e-Ahrar-ul-Islam, opposed the Muslim League.

What was the demand of Pakistan Resolution?

The resolution text, unanimously approved by the Subject Committee, accepted the concept of a united homeland for Muslims and recommended the creation of an independent Muslim state.

Why did Jinnah call for a day of direct action in 1946?

Consequently, in July 1946, the Muslim League withdrew its agreement to the plan and announced a general strike (hartal) on 16 August, terming it Direct Action Day, to assert its demand for a separate homeland for Muslims in certain northwestern and eastern provinces in colonial India.

Who demanded Pakistan on the basis of Two-Nation Theory?

Syed Ahmad Khan, the pioneer of Muslim nationalism in South Asia is widely credited as the father of the Two-Nation Theory. The theory that religion is the determining factor in defining the nationality of Indian Muslims was promoted by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and became the basis of Pakistan Movement.

When was the resolution of demand for Pakistan passed?

The correct answer is 1940. The resolution was first called the Lahore resolution which afterward became the Pakistan Resolution, was presented on March 24, 1940. This resolution was drafted by Sikandar Hayat Khan and presented on 23 March 1940 by Fazlul Haque.

Who first demanded dominion status for India?

The correct answer is Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Jaykar. Dominion status of India: An Indian Union with a dominion status would be set up; it would be free to decide its relations with the Commonwealth and free to participate in the United Nations and other international bodies.

When was the resolution of demand for Pakistan passed?

The correct answer is 1940. The resolution was first called the Lahore resolution which afterward became the Pakistan Resolution, was presented on March 24, 1940. This resolution was drafted by Sikandar Hayat Khan and presented on 23 March 1940 by Fazlul Haque.

Who supported Pakistan in 1971 war?

In 1971, as India faced an unacceptable refugee burden, it faced a dire situation. The US and Britain as well as China were on Pakistan’s side in the upcoming conflict. The only course open to India was to bring in the countervailing force of the Soviet Union on its side.

What did Jinnah do for Pakistan?

Mohammed Ali Jinnah was the founder and first governor-general (1947–48) of Pakistan. He is revered as the father of Pakistan. He also sought the political union of Hindus and Muslims, which earned him the title of “the best ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.”

Why did Jinnah call for a day of direct action in 1946?

Consequently, in July 1946, the Muslim League withdrew its agreement to the plan and announced a general strike (hartal) on 16 August, terming it Direct Action Day, to assert its demand for a separate homeland for Muslims in certain northwestern and eastern provinces in colonial India.

What type of Pakistan did Quaid want?

It is crucial for Pakistanis to understand the Quaid’s vision for Pakistan, which when it was created was the largest Muslim country in the world. He envisioned Pakistan as a democratic, modern Muslim state with human rights, minority rights, women’s rights, and the rule of law.

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