What is the meaning of this short passage in Thomas Carlyle’s ‘French Revolution’?

What did Thomas Carlyle think of the French Revolution? Carlyle believed that the excesses of the French Revolution were a divine judgment upon a selfish monarchy and nobility. His work contains many outstanding set pieces and character studies, including those of General Lafayette and Robespierre.  What did Thomas Carlyle write about? Carlyle’s three-volume history of …

A magic system at least partially based on the real-world cultural history of magic?

What are the 4 types of magic systems? So you can see we have hard-rational, hard-irrational, soft-irrational, and soft-rational magic systems. Those are the four types. What are the different magic systems? There are two types of magic systems: hard magic systems and soft magic systems. These terms, originally coined by Brandon Sanderson, are widely …

What mesoamerican culture used long, “pike-like” spears?

What are the 4 Mesoamerican civilizations? For thousands of years, this area was populated by groups such as the Olmec, Zapotec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec peoples. What were the most important characteristics of the Mesoamerican cultures? Some of the shared cultural traits among Mesoamerican peoples included a complex pantheon of deities, architectural features, a ballgame, …

Why didn’t Iran declare war on the United States for shooting down flight-655?

Why did Iran shoot down the Ukrainian plane? On 11 January, the Iranian IRGC said they had shot down the aircraft after erroneously identifying it as a hostile target. President Rouhani called the incident an “unforgivable mistake”. What Ukrainian airline was shot down by Iran? On January 8, 2020, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was …

How did the Egyptian engineers of the Third and Fourth Dynasty construct the Pyramids and Sphinx without modern science and mathematics?

How did the Egyptians construct the Great Sphinx? The Sphinx was not assembled piece by piece but was carved from a single mass of limestone exposed when workers dug a horseshoe-shaped quarry in the Giza plateau. Approximately 66 feet tall and 240 feet long, it is one of the largest and oldest monolithic statues in …

Are there any records of javelin throwing techniques from antiquity? For example, ancient Greece, such as peltasts?

Did the ancient Greeks do javelin throw? Javelin throw made its first appearance as a sport in Greece at the Ancient Olympics in 708 BC. It was part of the pentathlon event along with running, discus throw, long jump and wrestling. The original javelin was made of olive wood.Jul 11, 2022 How was javelin played …

Do these depictions of hunt in medieval Catholic churches have the same symbolic meaning? If not, what is it?

What is the purpose of hunting in medieval times? Hunting was an almost universal activity in the later Middle Ages. It provided food and raw materials for the common people and, for the ruling class, food, sport, exercise and a positive outlet for aggressive tendencies.  What was the significance of the medieval Catholic Church? For …

Where did the French National Constituent Assembly meet on August 4, 1789?

Where did the French National Assembly meet in 1789? Two days later, also deprived of use of the tennis court that they had been using as an improvised meeting place, the National Assembly met in the Church of Saint Louis, where the majority of the representatives of the clergy joined them: efforts to restore the …