What was the attitude towards Martin Luther among early non-Catholic Christians in Britain?

Who was Martin Luther and why was he unhappy with the Catholic Church? Luther became increasingly angry about the clergy selling ‘indulgences’ – promised remission from punishments for sin, either for someone still living or for one who had died and was believed to be in purgatory. On 31 October 1517, he published his ’95 …

Why does Alexander the Great call Greeks free men while Persians slaves?

What did the Greeks call their slaves? Spartan citizens used helots, an enslaved group (that formed the majority of the population) collectively owned by the state. Did Persians enslave Greeks? The Greeks had slaves, and the Persians outlawed slavery The Greeks are looked upon as the bastion of freedom, yet the majority of Greek cities …

Previous examples of large scale protests after presidential elections in the US?

What was the most famous protest in American history? 1963: March on Washington More than 200,000 protesters gathered for a peaceful demonstration outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to call for racial equality in August 1963. There, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his now-iconic “I Have a Dream” speech.  What are some recent protests? …

When was federal sovereign immunity in the U.S. established?

19761976 establishes the limitations as to whether a foreign sovereign nation (or its political subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities) may be sued in U.S. courts—federal or state. Do US states have sovereign immunity? In the United States, sovereign immunity typically applies to the federal government and state government, but not to municipalities. Federal and state governments, …

When did Emperor Hirohito gave an address about suicides and non-productive jobs?

What did Hirohito do in 1930s? Hirohito was emperor during Japan’s militaristic period from the early 1930s to 1945, the end of World War II. Historians have debated the role he played in planning Japan’s expansionist policies.  What did Hirohito said? Indeed, we declared war on America and Britain out of our sincere desire to …

Were ancient people interested in archaeology?

Why is archaeology important to ancient history? Archaeology offers a unique perspective on human history and culture. Archaeology helps us understand not only where and when people lived on the earth, but also how they have lived. Archaeologists examine change over time, seeking patterns and explanations. Were there archaeologists in ancient times? In Ancient Mesopotamia, …