How did communist authorities decide who is “German” and who is “Polish” when expelling Germans from recovered territories?

Why were Germans expelled from Poland? During the early days of the war, Polish authorities deported 15,000 ethnic Germans to the east, fearing they would collaborate with Hitler’s forces. War paranoia also resulted in the killing of over 4,000 civilians from this minority population.  Were Germans expelled from Poland? Almost all the ethnic Germans living …

Has there ever been an attempted military takeover of a democracy in the western world?

What country was taken over by the military? A coup d’état in Myanmar began on the morning of , when democratically elected members of the country’s ruling party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), were deposed by the Tatmadaw—Myanmar’s military—which then vested power in a military junta. Has there ever been a coup in England? …

Did the Roman Empire extend as far north as the Romans could grow wine?

The answer is no. The Romans did conquer many North European regions that either had centuries old tradition of wine growing, or had vineyards planted by the Romans; however, there was one major exception……… Britannia. How far north did the Romans grow grapes? Roman era to 19th century The Romans introduced winemaking to the UK, …

Did USSR used tactics learned during the winter war against Germany?

What tactics did the Soviet Union use in ww2? Tactically, the Soviets lacked cohesive combined arms maneuver and tanks were regularly committed without infantry support. Soviet success was achieved ultimately through a strategy of attrition, using a significantly larger resource base to wear away at the Finnish army. What was the Soviet military tactic? Soviet …

What does the forward “Bullnose” of a Bailey Bridge that is under construction look like?

How is a Bailey bridge constructed? “Original Bailey Bridges were built by hand and cantilevered [cantilevers, which are projecting beams or members supported at only one end, can hold a bridge up to 550m] over a gap using a light nose section dismantled on the far bank, and pushed out by rollers.”  What are the …

Does a reputation for cruelty to PoWs give a tactical advantage?

How were the prisoners of war treated in World war II? Prisoners were routinely beaten, starved and abused and forced to work in mines and war-related factories in clear violation of the Geneva Conventions. Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S. Congressional …