What was the reason for Soviet troops to withdraw from Yugoslavia in World War II?

Why did Yugoslavia leave the Soviet Union? Although presented by both sides as an ideological dispute, the conflict was as much the product of a geopolitical struggle in the Balkans that also involved Albania, Bulgaria, and the communist insurgency in Greece, which Tito’s Yugoslavia supported and the Soviet Union secretly opposed. What happened between the …

Why was the Kamchatka Regiment sent?

Who used the scorched earth policy against Napoleon? desperate Russians The desperate Russians, however, adopted a “scorched-earth” policy: whenever they retreated, they burned the places they left behind. Napoleon’s army had trouble finding supplies, and it grew progressively weaker the farther it marched. What are the natural resources of Kamchatka Peninsula? Kamchatka’s natural resources include …

Is the Tokugawa escape scene in Clavell’s “Shogun” historically accurate?

How accurate is clavells shogun? The scholars agree that “Shogun” is basically a Western romance fantasy and facts are embellished, but overall, they seem to agree that as a historical fiction, Shogun is a fairly accurate depiction of feudal Japan in the 1600. Is shogun by James Clavell a true story? Clavell stated that reading …

What was the equivalent of “Shoulder Arms, Fire!” for archers in Ancient Rome?

Did the ancient Romans use bows and arrows? The normal weapon of Roman archers, both infantry and cavalry units, was the composite bow, although Vegetius recommended training recruits “arcubus ligneis” (with wooden bows), which may have been made in the northern European self bow tradition. Did the Romans have arrows? Roman Arrows. While many arrow …

What did the Baltic Fleet do in Reval in 1904 and when was it there?

What was the voyage of the Russian Baltic Fleet in 1905? In May 1905, the Russian Baltic Fleet’s 29 warships and their auxiliaries steamed northwestward through the Yellow Sea towards Vladivostok. They had endured a grueling seven-month journey that would soon end in the waters between Korea and Japan, near the island of Tsushima. What …

Why bother attacking castles at all? Why not go around?

Why didn t armies just go around castles? Later castles were designed as strategic reserves. Everything valuable (people, crops, animals, chattel, etc.) were withdrawn within the castle. That means that the attacker can’t just go around the castle, the attacker has to go around the entire cultivated area—because the defender has laid waste to the …

What is the historical significance of pottery?

Pottery plays an important role in studying culture and reconstructing the past. Historically with distinct culture, the style of pottery changed. It reflects the social, economic and environmental conditions a culture thrived in, which helps the archaeologists and historians in understanding our past.  What is the cultural significance of pottery? More than any other artifact, …