Did Prophet Muhammad write a letter? Prophet Mohammed, peace and prayer be upon him, sent several letters to kings and rulers outside the Arabian Peninsula to invite them to Islam. In a letter sent to Egyptian ruler Al-Muqawqis in the sixth year of hijri, the prophet invited him to Islam and said if he becomes …
Category: History
Was breaching the Yellow River dykes Chiang Kai-Shek’s Mers-el-Kebir?
What happened to the Yellow River in China? Before damming, it was extremely prone to flooding, and caused millions of deaths, including the deadliest disaster in human history. Between 608 BC and 1938 AD, the Yellow River changed course 26 times, and flooded over 1,500 times! What caused the Yellow River to flood in ancient …
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How was the Cuban military capable of performing African interventions?
Why did Cuba intervene in Africa? As the Angolan Civil War broke out, Cuban intervention in Angola was a large-scale intervention to support the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). What was the Cuba military operation? The Cuban Project, also known as Operation Mongoose, was an extensive campaign of terrorist attacks against civilians …
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Where did John Adams write of the night he shared a bed and an argument with Benjamin Franklin? Did Franklin write of it as well?
Did John Adams share a bed with Benjamin Franklin? And it wasn’t pretty. The younger man was John Adams, who in 21 years would become our nation’s second president. His bedmate for the evening was none other than the eminent scientist, publisher and statesman Benjamin Franklin. What happened between John Adams and Ben Franklin? During …
Abraham Lincoln Quote Background
“We have, as all will agree, a free Government, where every man has a right to be equal with every other man. In this great struggle, this form of Government and every form of human right is endangered if our enemies succeed.” What was Abe Lincoln’s famous quote? “I am not bound to win, but …
What was the death rate of Germans outside Germany’s post war border after World War 2?
How many ethnic Germans were killed after ww2? Many ethnic German civilians who had lived in the area for generations were tortured and slain by partisan fighters in raids of reprisal by Yugoslave forces. According to the authors, about 51,000 ethnic Germans were systematically killed in civilian death camps by starvation and intentionally controlled epidemics. …
Did any Moors accompany Hernando de Soto in his exploration of Mississippi?
Who was the first white man to see the Mississippi? The Basics It shows Spanish conquistador and explorer Hernando De Soto (1500–1542), riding a white horse and dressed in Renaissance finery, arriving at the Mississippi River at a point below Natchez on May 8, 1541. De Soto was the first European documented to have seen …
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Was the M4 Sherman used frequently in artillery capacity?
Yes. M4 hulls were used to make self-propelled artillery: M7 Priest, M12, and Sexton. They even played around with putting a whole bunch of rockets on an M4, but not in large numbers. And many M4 tanks were equipped with a 105mm howitzer for direct and indirect infantry support. What was the M4 Sherman used …
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What’s the dating of the standard Akkadian version of the Gilgamesh Epic?
between 1300 BC and 1000 BC1300 BC and 1000 BC. What is the dating of Epic of Gilgamesh? The Epic of Gilgamesh started out as a series of Sumerian poems and tales dating back to 2100 B.C., but the most complete version was written around the 12th century B.C. by the Babylonians. How old is …
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Why did the Fourth Crusade sack Constantinople?
In March 1204, the Crusader and Venetian leadership decided on the outright conquest of Constantinopleconquest of ConstantinopleThe fall of Constantinople, also known as the conquest of Constantinople, was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Empire. The city was captured on 29 May 1453 as part of the culmination of …
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