Why wouldn’t the South make salt from seawater during the American Civil War?

Was salt scarce in the Confederacy? During the American Civil War, salt became very scarce in the countryside. People resorted to gathering up the dirt from their smokehouse floor (where smoked and salted meats were kept) to recover salt that had fallen from pieces of meat over the years. What was salt used for during …

What is the explanation of president Gen. Yahya Khan’s role in the general election of 1970?

What was the elaborate role of Yahya Khan in election 1970? President Yahya Khan imposed martial law and the 1962 Constitution was abrogated. On 31 March 1970, President Yahya Khan announced a Legal Framework Order (LFO) which called for direct elections for a unicameral legislature. What was the role of Yahya Khan? General Agha Muhammad …

Is the Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL) still used for anything?

What is the US terrorism exclusion list? This authority is known as the “Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL)” authority. A TEL designation bolsters homeland security efforts by facilitating the USG’s ability to exclude aliens associated with entities on the TEL from entering the United States. What countries are on the list for sponsoring terrorism? As of …

What was the basis of the calendar during Japan’s Edo period?

While the calendar spread, the Daisho-reki calendar, which showed only the order of the long and short months, appeared during the Edo period (1603-1867). In those days it was called simply “Daisho”.…(1) Name of month. Chinese Japanese English 月 Zuki Month What is the Japanese calendar based on? At present, Japan uses the Gregorian calendar …

Can you help identify this European military uniform and medals?

What do the medals on a military uniform mean? Military medals can recognize bravery or gallantry, heroism, or meritorious service. They may be awarded for actions during peacetime or war, in defense of civilians or fellow service members, and they can be earned for actions taken during the course of combat or outside of direct …

Why did Western Christian monasticism really take off in Ireland?

Why were the monasteries in Ireland important? These little villages would allow monks to survive the elements of nature but also to lead a religious lifestyle in a remote place. Irish monasteries became extremely popular had been renowned for being the best monasteries in the world for the teaching of poetry, literature, arts and of …