During WW2, how dependent on Swedish Ball Bearings was Britain?

Direct wartime imports from Sweden provided about 15% of all British ball bearings. How important were ball bearings in ww2? German bearing manufacturers had a long history of manufacturing bearings in Schweinfurt, and their production during World War II made them a target for American bombings. Bearings were a vital component in the tanks, airplanes, …

What was Pope Innocent III’s response to the Children’s crusade led by Stephan of Cloyes?

What did Pope Innocent III do in the Crusades? Innocent greatly extended the scope of the Crusades, directing crusades against Muslim Iberia and the Holy Land as well as the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars in southern France. He organized the Fourth Crusade of 1202–1204, which ended in the sack of Constantinople. What was the …

What led Guderian as far south as Gomel, in August, 1941?

What do you mean by Second World War about August 1941? World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a …

Why did Chamberlain act to appease Hitler leading up to the outbreak of World War 2?

Chamberlain hoped to avoid a war over Czechoslovakia by conceding to Adolf Hitler’s demands. The Agreement allowed Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland, the German-speaking parts of Czechoslovakia.  Why did appeasement lead to the outbreak of war? Appeasement encouraged Hitler to be more aggressive, with each victory giving him confidence and power. With more land, …

When did Frankfurt am Main adopt the Gregorian Calendar?

When did Germany adopt the Gregorian calendar? Julian to Gregorian calendar changes by country or region Country Adoption of Gregorian Calendar Germany, Wurzburg (Würzburg) 1583 Greece 1923 Britain and British Empire except Scotland 1752 Holy Roman Empire from 1583 When did the Orthodox Church adopt the Gregorian calendar? 1582 The Gregorian calendar was decreed in …

What buildings could be found in the inner ward of a castle?

What buildings are inside a castle? Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses. The Great Hall. Bed Chambers. Solars. Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes. Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries. Gatehouses and Guardrooms. Chapels & Oratories. Cabinets and Boudoirs. What is the inner ward of a castle used for? The inner …

What does a black cloth on your upper left arm mean in the context of 1950s USA?

What does a black cloth on arm mean? in mourning In Western culture, a black armband signifies that the wearer is in mourning or wishes to identify with the commemoration of a family member, friend, comrade or team member who has died. This use is particularly common in the first meeting following the loss of …