Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 Oct 1812: 23 American soldiers held as British deserters

What happened at the Battle of Queenston Heights? The defeat of the Americans at the hands of the combined British and Canadian forces undermined American morale throughout the United States. The defeat at Queenston Heights led General Dearborn to hesitate and ultimately reject his plans of invading Canada. What happened at Queenston Heights in 1812? …

Why does this London Underground poster from 1924 have a Star of David atop a Christmas tree?

What does the Star of David symbol mean? According to Jewish tradition, God gave King David a shield with a star to protect him from his enemies. The Jewish people have used this symbol ever since to remind us of God’s power over our lives—and how we can use that power for good.  Can I …

If modern human existed for hundreds of thousands years why was writing invented only some 7000-9000 years ago?

Why did it take so long for humans to invent writing? Primarily because for 294,490 years, give or take, no one had any need for writing anything down. They never needed to communicate with anyone who was out of earshot, and they owned as few objects as possible. This only changed with the invention of …

Was any Church dispensation granted to Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine’s marriage?

Why was Eleanor of Aquitaine marriage annulled? She bore him two daughters, went on crusade with him and ordered him about until her infidelities and her failure to produce an heir proved too much. The marriage was annulled in March 1152 on grounds of consanguinity. What impacted the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry …