When did letters become popular? 18th century The 18th century is commonly known as the great age of letter writing: postal routes rapidly expanded, and the epistolary novel emerged as a hugely popular genre. Letter writers of the period used the form to describe and explore the self and everyday experience. What is the history …
Category: History
What was Rhodesia like before independence?
What was Rhodesia before it became Rhodesia? Rhodesia, known initially as Zambesia, is a historical region in southern Africa whose formal boundaries evolved between the 1890s and 1980. Demarcated and named by the British South Africa Company (BSAC), which governed it until the 1920s, it thereafter saw administration by various authorities. What was before Rhodesia? …
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What was the first political document that invoked the interest or betterment of humanity?
What was the first document that mentioned the rights of citizens? The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It defines citizens’ and states’ rights in relation to the Government. What was the first document that was written for the US government? The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Continental …
Are there recommended practices for writing about oppressed peoples?
What are the key principles of anti-oppressive practice? Anti-Oppressive Practice recognizes the oppression that exists in our society/space and aims to mitigate the effects of oppression and eventually equalize the power imbalances that exist between people. It also recognizes that all forms of oppression are interconnected in some way, shape or form (Aquil et al., …
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Is this absolute timeline correct?
What are examples of absolute Chronology? Absolute Chronology are the exact time and dates that an event occurred. They dates are also in order from the latest event to the most recent. For example, in the year 1492 Columbus discovered the Americas. What is relative and absolute Chronology? These methods are typically identified as absolute, …
Inter-ethnic conflicts in Switzerland in the 16th century
What are the examples of inter ethnic conflict? Conflicts in the Balkans, Rwanda, Chechnya, Iraq, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Darfur, as well as in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, are among the best-known and deadliest examples from the late 20th and early 21st centuries. What was the religious conflict in Switzerland? …
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Did Emperor Pushyamitra Shunga persecute Buddhists?
Who stopped Buddhism in India? The Muslim invasion of India nearly wiped out Buddhism. From 712 A.D. onwards, their invasions of India became more frequent and recurrent. As a result of these invasions, Buddhist monks have sought refuge in Nepal and Tibet. In the end, Vajrayana Buddhism faded out in India, its birthplace. Were Buddhists …
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What is the oldest known reference to “The Circle Game”?
What is the origin of The Circle Game? The origins of the Circle Game are disputed. People anecdotally recall playing the game in the schoolyard in the 1970–80s. Vice traced the game to one, Matthew Nelson, who claims credit for inventing it in New Bremen, Ohio in the early 1980s—though there’s no proof he either …
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What method was used to create book illustrations in late 1800s/early 1900s?
How did they make books in the 1800s? Vellum and leather had been the traditional binding materials for centuries and they continued to be used throughout the 1800s but animal skins were costly and stocks were limited. To meet commercial demand, binders needed a covering that was cheaper, more widely available and quick to produce. …
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Plate armour worn by men-at-arms fighting on foot 1380-1415
Did Foot soldiers wear plate armor? Plate armour was widely used by most armies until the end of the 17th century for both foot and mounted troops such as the cuirassiers, dragoons, demi-lancers and Polish hussars. What did knights wear in the 14th century? By the fourteenth century, the improved crossbow was able to pierce …
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