Are there any records of Vikings burning each others ‘island of boats’ out of desperation?

Did the Vikings burn their boats? The Viking ritual of burning their longships generally only takes place on special occasions such as; to celebrate the forthcoming New Year by burning away old spirits and welcoming in the new spirits or to honour the death of a Viking Warrior. Who burned their ships before battle? Hernán …

What was the persecuted group that was formally banned from leaving France?

Who were persecuted French Protestants who emigrated? Huguenots were French Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who followed the teachings of theologian John Calvin. Persecuted by the French Catholic government during a violent period, Huguenots fled the country in the 17th century, creating Huguenot settlements all over Europe, in the United States and Africa.  …

At what point did high school become a standard prerequisite for university students in the USA?

When did school become a requirement in the US? Massachusetts passed the first compulsory school laws in 1852. New York followed the next year, and by 1918, all American children were required to attend at least elementary school. When did going to high school become common? By 1940, 73% of American youths were enrolled in …

Was there a Norse custom of “one keeps what one defends”?

Were the black Vikings hidden by history? There is no historical account of the “first” Black Viking. But it is widely known that in the time of the Vikings, other cultures were also traveling and exploring. Historians believe that many dark-skinned people came to Scandinavia voluntarily, and assimilated into the culture willingly.  What happens if …

Can history shed any light on the “secret arts” of the Egyptian magicians who turned their staffs into serpents as claimed by Exodus 7:11-12?

What was the exodus from Egypt? Exodus, the liberation of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt in the 13th century bce, under the leadership of Moses; also, the Old Testament book of the same name. What happened to the Israelites after they left Egypt? After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of …

Did the early Christian community on Iceland require the import of wine for liturgy?

How did Christianity spread to Iceland? The history of Christianity in Iceland can be traced back to the Early Middle Ages when Irish hermits settled in Iceland at least a century before the arrival of the first Norse settlers in the 870s. Christianity started to spread among the Icelanders at the end of the 10th …

Which superior officer did Princess Elizabeth II report to during her service as a junior officer in WW2?

What job did Queen Elizabeth II have during WWII? Princess Elizabeth served in the military as a mechanic in World War II. She spent most of her days at the Mechanical Transport Training Section in Camberley, Surrey, England—never on the frontlines, as women were prohibited from actually fighting in the war.  What was Queen Elizabeth’s …