Why couldn’t the Allies clear out D-Day gun emplacements before landing troops?

How did the Allies try to conceal the true location for the D-Day bombings? How did the Allies try to conceal the true location for the D-Day landings? They made fake documents stating their intentions and made sure the Germans got them. Also, they passed on “secret” information to known German agents. Why wasn t …

Were there natives In Iceland prior to the Irish monk’s landings?

Were there people in Iceland before the Vikings arrived? Icelanders are undoubtedly the descendants of Vikings. Before the Vikings arrived in Iceland, the country had been inhabited by Irish monks but they had since then given up on the isolated and rough terrain and left the country without even so much as a listed name.  …

Did any commoners become prince-electors during the Holy Roman Empire?

How were the prince electors chosen? Elections. The electors were originally summoned by the Archbishop of Mainz within one month of an Emperor’s death, and met within three months of being summoned. During the interregnum, imperial power was exercised by two imperial vicars. Who were the prince electors of the Holy Roman Empire? Beginning around …

What was the reaction of Western Communist Parties to Kruschev’s 1956 speech denouncing Stalin?

What was the de Stalinization speech 1956? On 25 February 1956 de-stalinization became official when he spoke to a closed session of the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, delivering an address laying out some of Stalin’s crimes and the “conditions of insecurity, fear, and even desperation” created by Stalin. …

What do these lines on the origins of Hindu/Muslim communal consciousness mean?

What are the origins of Hindu-Muslim conflict? The struggle between these groups dates back to the 7th and 8th centuries CE, when Islam was introduced into Indian kingdoms, first through Muslim trade merchants and later through Islamic empires, known as caliphates. For centuries, Muslims and Hindus coexisted in India, sometimes peacefully and sometimes not.  What …

Are fiefdoms near the Capital assigned to trusted allies or the opposite, and why?

What are fiefs and how did they function? The fief constituted the central institution of feudal society. The fief normally consisted of land to which a number of unfree peasants were attached and was supposed to be sufficient to support the vassal and to secure his knight service for the lord. Its size varied greatly, …