Was the Bosnian Crisis the trigger to WWI and not the assassination?

Why was the Bosnian Crisis a cause of ww1? Although the crisis was resolved without immediate warfare, the resulting embittered relations between Serbia and Austria-Hungary and Russia’s resentment at having been deceived and humiliated contributed to the outbreak of World War I. Would World War 1 have happened without the assassination? Without the assassination of …

Thirteen “colonies”, “provinces”, “states”, etc.?

What are the 13 colonies in order? The 13 original states were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The 13 original states were the first 13 British colonies. British colonists traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe. Are there 12 or …

Why were North Native Americans less urban than Central or South?

What are the major factors that caused the indigenous population of North America to decline? Both archaeological and historical records indicate that European contact and colonialism initiated a significant reduction in the indigenous population size through warfare, enslavement, societal disruption, and especially widespread epidemic disease (1–3), although the magnitude of population decline remains in   …

Did Antarctica remain entirely unvisited by humans until the early 19th century?

Did people ever inhabit Antarctica? Antarctica does not have and has never had an indigenous population – there are no native human Antarcticans. How long have humans been on Antarctica? Polynesians may have discovered Antarctica in the early 600s. The first humans to discover Antarctica weren’t seafaring Westerners but rather Polynesians, who found the coldest …

Was WW1 generally foreseen?

Was WW1 destined to happen? World War I, however, didn’t officially begin until a month after Ferdinand’s assassination, and though tensions were high, the fight wasn’t inevitable, according to Ronald Spector, professor of history and international affairs.  Was world war One predictable? War is always unpredictable It’s almost hard to believe 100 years later, but …

How historical are early Chinese (Shang dynasty and earlier) dynastic records?

Why was the Shang Dynasty significant in early China’s history? The Shang made many contributions to Chinese civilization, but four in particular define the dynasty: the invention of writing; the development of a stratified government; the advancement of bronze technology; and the use of the chariot and bronze weapons in warfare. Did the Shang Dynasty …