First eastbound transcontinental flight departed from…?

What was the first transcontinental flight? Macready and Lt. Oakley G. Kelly made the first nonstop transcontinental flight on May 2–3, 1923, in the T-2 transport. They took off from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, and landed at Rockwell Field, San Diego, 2,470 miles and just under 27 hours later. When was the first transcontinental passenger …

Did nutmeg really prevent infections during the Bubonic Plague?

Did nutmeg cure the plague? Nutmeg’s value wasn’t just culinary; it was believed to have medicinal properties, including as protection against the bubonic plague that periodically wiped out large chunks of the population.  What stopped the bubonic plague? It is not clear what made the bubonic plague die down. Some scholars have argued that cold …

Is there any evidence Chairman Mao restricted or confiscated guns?

When did Stalin confiscate guns? The December decree of the CPC of 1918, “On the surrender of weapons”, ordered people to surrender any firearms, swords, bayonets and bombs, regardless of the degree of serviceability. The penalty for not doing so was ten years’ imprisonment. When did Mao Zedong say political power grows out of the …

Why did science flourish in Germany after the First World War?

How was science affected by ww1? Along with chemical weapons and explosives, WWI saw the development of chemical inventions with a much broader use in society. Trenches were fairly enclosed and were difficult to evacuate quickly, making them susceptible to chemical attack.  Why did Germany produce so many scientists? Why has Germany produced so many …

Was there any sort of medieval defensive contraption which dropped rocks on attackers?

What Defence systems did medieval Europe have? In the Medieval period besieging armies used a wide variety of siege engines including: scaling ladders; battering rams; siege towers and various types of catapults such as the mangonel, onager, ballista, and trebuchet. Did castles have trebuchets? The first recorded use of a trebuchet is in Europe in …