When and how did David become the mascot of Florence?

Why did the David become the symbol of Florence? Additionally, as an independent city-state, the Republic of Florence was aware of the threats that surrounded them. Therefore, they viewed David as a perfect symbol of Florence, as he captured the unwavering courage, unexpected strength, and historic perseverance that they saw in themselves.  What is the …

What was the social and cultural role of a “country squire” in Victorian/Edwardian England?

What does a country squire do? Squire is a British term for a country landowner or gentleman. You can use squire to describe a refined and powerful man, or as a verb meaning to escort: when the queen visited, the police chief squired her around town. What was a squire in Victorian times? Initially, a …

Did Italian irredentists ever lay claim to the Swiss Canton of Tessin?

Yes, it appears they did.  What areas were claimed by Italian nationalists after 1919? Regions historically claimed by Italian irredentism Istria. Dalmatia. Monaco. Nice province. Corsica. Savoy. Malta. Ionian Islands. Which Swiss cantons speak Italian? Italian is spoken in Ticino and four southern valleys of Canton Graubünden. Rumantsch is spoken in the only trilingual canton, …

What was the reasoning behind the Washington Committee’s complaint to the Liquor Tax during the Whiskey Rebellion?

Why did Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion? By 1794, the Whiskey Rebellion threatened the stability of the nascent United States and forced President Washington to personally lead the United States militia westward to stop the rebels. What did Washington say about the Whiskey Rebellion? In the aftermath, Washington reported to Congress that although he …

What happened to all the nuclear material being smuggled after the fall of the USSR?

What happened to USSR nuclear weapons? Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, a number of Soviet-era nuclear warheads remained on the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Has nuclear material ever been stolen? In November 1993, approximately 4.5 kilograms of 20-percent enriched uranium, intended for use in submarine propulsion reactors, was stolen …

How did laborers travel from China to Malaya in the early 19th century?

How did Chinese migrate to Malaysia? Chinese migration sprang from poverty in rural China and employment opportunities in the British colonies or protectorates, and an estimated five million Chinese had immigrated by the 19th century. Why did Chinese immigrants migrated to Malaya in the 19th century? The phenomenon of large numbers of Chinese coolies flocking …

What caused medieval England to be freer than other countries at the time?

What makes the medieval world a miserable lifestyle? Life was harsh, with a limited diet and little comfort. Women were subordinate to men, in both the peasant and noble classes, and were expected to ensure the smooth running of the household. Children had a 50% survival rate beyond age one, and began to contribute to …