How did China become so **populous**?

How did China become populated?

Like other postwar developing countries, China tread a common path, high birth rates coupled with low death rates, to create a rapid rate of natural population growth.

What causes high population in China?

China has become overpopulated due to many reasons, but the most plausible explanations are mostly because of food and water. Given that China has large areas of fertile land and good access to fresh water, it has the capacity to produce vast quantities of food to nourish large numbers of its people.

When did China become the most populated country?

Since the United Nations began keeping records of national populations in the 1950, China has boasted the largest population of any country in the world.

How did China and India get so populated?

These two areas, for a variety of geographic and climatic reasons, are uniquely suited for human habitation. Along with geographic isolation, these places have rivers for easy transportation and regular soil renewal and lots of land and weather suitable for growing food crops or grazing animals like horses.

Why did China grow so fast?

Causes of China’s Economic Growth

Economic reforms led to higher efficiency in the economy, which boosted output and increased resources for additional investment in the economy.

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