How did the ruling class in the Muslim world react to the discovery and colonization of the Americas?

How did European nations expand their power in Muslim regions of the world?

The European nations expanded their power into Muslim regions of the world by three ways. The first was through diplomacy, the second was threats, and third was concessions.

How did Europe respond to the spread of Islam?

Europeans viewed the spread of Islam as a threat and actively worked to stop it.

Did the Ottomans discover America?

Selim’s power proved so great that his influence reached beyond even Europe and the Middle East, across the Atlantic to North America. In 1517, within weeks of Selim marching his Ottoman troops to conquer Cairo, the first Europeans landed in Mexico.

What were the factors that led to the decline of Muslim states in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Invasion, economic destitution, and growing European power all played a role in the decline of the final three Muslim Empires.

What was the impact of European colonialism on Islamic law?

It is commonly held that European colonisation and the efforts to modernise Muslim lands challenged Islam and undermined local custom, and that Islamisation was generally opposed to European ideas and technologies and rejected local beliefs and practices.

What was one result of the colonization of the Islamic world by European powers?

Muslims in the Balkans, Russia and Central Asia became subject to the new Soviet Union. Even after some of these countries had been allowed to become independent, the West often continued to control the economy, the oil or such resources as the Suez Canal. European occupation often left a legacy of bitter conflict.

How did Muslims treat conquered people?

The people conquered by the Muslims usually faced a choice. They could denounce their religion and convert to Islam, pay a tax to continue practicing their beliefs, become a slave, or be executed. Most chose to convert.

What were 3 reasons for the spread of Islam?


  • Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries.
  • Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.

Who stopped the spread of Islam in Europe?

leader Charles Martel

At the Battle of Tours near Poitiers, France, Frankish leader Charles Martel, a Christian, defeats a large army of Spanish Moors, halting the Muslim advance into Western Europe.

How did European countries become so powerful?

Europe achieved world hegemony in the years after 1500 A.D., primarily due to technological advancements, scientific research, political development of nations with stable succession and continuity, and a culture dominated by Christianity.

How did the European empire expand?

In the 19th century, energized by the industrial revolution and under pressure from a rapidly growing population, Europe launched a new period of colonial expansion, inspired by the discovery of new markets, new areas for the settlement of Europe’s poor migrants, and the desire to “civilize the barbarian nations “.

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