How did Zheng He’s treasure ships solve the problem of vitamin C supply?

How did sailors get vitamin C?

British ‘Limeys’ and the Cure for Scurvy

The British began storing citrus fruits on board all of its ships. The British Navy gave its sailors limes or lemon juice rations to ward off scurvy – earning them the nickname of “Limeys” among the American sailors who didn’t know about or believe in the preventative treatment.

What technology did Zheng He use on his voyages?


Compass was the main means used by Zheng He in his epic ocean voyages. The compass was used to fix the direction and “geng” which recorded by Chinese era is used to measure distance.

What was Zheng He best known for?

Chinese Admiral in the Indian Ocean. In the early 1400s, Zheng He led the largest ships in the world on seven voyages of exploration to the lands around the Indian Ocean, demonstrating Chinese excellence at shipbuilding and navigation.

How did pioneers prevent scurvy?

Captain James Cook would go on to have success in preventing scurvy from ravaging his crew. From the time his ship set sail in 1768, Cook enforced “fresh air, cleanliness, and an antiscorbutic diet, making sure to stop for fresh vegetables and water when possible” (Brown 2003:137).

Who solved scurvy?

Throughout the 400-year history of scurvy, James Lind is systematically introduced as the man who discovered and promoted lemon juice as the best way to treat the condition.

When was scurvy solved?

Not until vitamin C was identified in 1928 was the disease effectively conquered at source. However, in the Royal Navy, Dr Lind is remembered as a hero.

Did Zheng He use treasure ships?

Treasure ships were the largest vessels in Zheng He’s fleet.

What are 3 interesting facts about Zheng He?

Zheng He

  • Occupation: Explorer and Fleet Commander.
  • Born: 1371 in Yunnan Province, China.
  • Died: 1433.
  • Best known for: Treasure Ship voyages to India.

What were the three main purposes of Zheng He’s voyages?

Zheng He was a Chinese explorer who lead seven great voyages on behalf of the Chinese emperor. These voyages traveled through the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and along the east coast of Africa. His seven total voyages were diplomatic, military, and trading ventures, and lasted from 1405 – 1433.

Why did sailors get scurvy 200 years ago?

Today, it is known that the sailors’ scurvy was caused by vitamin C deficiency. Because fresh fruits and vegetables could not be stored on board, lime juice provided the vitamin C the sailors needed.

How did the Inuit get vitamin C?

Raw, fresh seal and whale blubber were found to be especially rich in the vitamin; the Inuit diet also included the viscera of the animals they ate, yielding additional vitamin C.

How did medieval people get vitamin C?

Most European cultures (and, indeed, I believe Asian too) have some way of either pickling or fermenting cabbage so that it’ll keep for months, if not years. Other vegetables too and fruits too, of course.

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