How extensive and developed was the ancient Kushite (Nubian) horse trade?

What made Kushites wealthy through trade?

Iron and Gold

Two of the most important resources of Ancient Kush were gold and iron. Gold helped Kush to become wealthy as it could be traded to the Egyptians and other nearby nations. Iron was the most important metal of the age. It was used to make the strongest tools and weapons.

How did the Nubians become famous as traders?

Answer and Explanation: The Nubians became famous traders by providing luxury items from sub-Saharan Africa. Nubia traded mostly with Egypt but would also trade with other regions.

What did the Nubian empire trade?

Bartering cattle, gold, carnelian, ivory, animal skins, hardwood, incense, and dates, Nubians traded with the Egyptians, their neighbors to the north, for grain, vegetable oils, wine, beer, linen, and other manufactured goods.

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