In WW2 USN ships, what was the weight of a typical boiler?

Each boiler weighed 157,850 pounds dry weight. 

Do navy ships have boilers?

Boilers- boilers are used on almost all naval vessels, either to provide steam for propulsion turbines or to provide steam used in hotel services such as space heaters, hot water heaters, sculleries, laundry, etc. There are many different boilers used in the Navy.

What is the capacity of marine boiler?

Large auxiliary boilers used for marine purposes are usually top-fired ‘D’-type boilers. D-type water-tube boilers by Babcock & Wilcox can be designed for a steam capacity of 10,000 to 300,000 lbs/hr, pressures from 250 to 1,250 psig, and a maximum temperature of 850F (for gas fired units).

What are the 2 types of boiler in ship?

Boiler is a pressure vessel used on ships in which the water is heated to evaporate and generate the steam and the unit is so arranged that the generated steam accumulated in it. The two main types are water tube and fire tube.

Which boilers are used in ships?

Marine boilers used in ships today are mostly for auxiliary purposes in vessels that run on marine diesel engines or diesel-electric propulsion. In the case of ships using steam turbines (mostly found in high-speed vessels used by navies), boilers are a part of the main propulsion system.

Did ships have toilets?

The ship’s toilet was typically placed at the head of the ship near the base of the bowsprit, where splashing water served to naturally clean the toilet area.

What temperature should a ship boiler be?

80- 85 deg C to ensure boiler is operated at high efficiency. Any reduction in the water temperature will lead to more time for heating up the water to produce steam, more fuel consumption and decrease in the overall efficiency. The hot well needs to be monitored for correct temperature and level.

What is the maximum operating pressure of a boiler?

Industrial boilers

These are used for hot water services with a maximum operating pressure of 5 bar and a maximum output in the order of 1500 kW.

What is the minimum capacity of boiler?

Ans. Boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is generated for use external to itself but does not include a pressure vessel, if, (i) Capacity less than 25 litres, or. (ii) Design & working pressure less than 1 Kg/cm2, or.

How many tubes does a locomotive boiler have?

Quote from video:

Does the Navy still have boiler technicians?

Boiler Technicians are a vital part of the U.S. Navy, operating equipment that produces steam for propulsion engines and steam-driven electric power generator.

Do cruise ships have boilers?

The traditional cruise ships rely heavily on diesel (less than 0.1% sulfur) for their propulsion. The power system on board, including the generators and the boilers, also operate on this fuel.

How do Navy boilers work?

The feed pipe distributes the water evenly along the length of the steam drum. Boiler water then flows over the baffle plates to the ends of the drum where the cooler more dense water flows down through the downcomers to the water drum and lower headers.

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