Need song or quote from Christmas Truce of 1914

What song is about the 1914 Christmas truce?

Christmas in the Trenches

Christmas in the Trenches” is a ballad from John McCutcheon’s 1984 album Winter Solstice. It tells the story of the 1914 Christmas Truce between the British and German lines on the Western Front during the Great War from the perspective of a fictional British soldier.

What was the quote from the Christmas truce?

During the early part of the morning the Germans started singing and shouting, all in good English. They shouted out: ‘Are you the Rifle Brigade; have you a spare bottle; if so we will come half way and you come the other half. ‘”

Which Christmas song did the British and German soldiers have in common?

Silent night, holy night

British and German soldiers crawled out of their trenches, shook hands and sang Christmas songs together. Along with German and English songs, of course, ‘Silent night, holy night‘ also resounded across the ghostly tranquillity of the battlefield.

What songs did the soldiers sing in ww1 Christmas?

‘Soldiers wrote home to their families, to their wives, and to their parents, saying, ‘You won’t believe it. ” The Christmas song Silent Night has long been a cherished part of our shared culture — in 2011 it was even granted UNESCO cultural heritage status.

What were the two most famous songs written during WWI?

Enthusiasm for the war

The music hall songs which mentioned the war (about a third of the total produced) were more and more dreams about the end of the war—“When the Boys Come Home” and “Keep the Home Fires Burning” are two well-known examples.

Who won the Christmas Truce?

At the spot where their regimental ancestors came out from their trenches to play football on Christmas Day 1914, men from the 1st Battalion, The Royal Welch Fusiliers played a football match with the German Battalion 371. The Germans won 2–1.

What is the Christmas Truce poem about?

UK Poet Laureat Carol Ann Duffy wrote this poem in remembrance of the soldiers in the German and British trenches in World War 1, who declared a momentary unilateral truce in the slaughter at Christmas 1914, in recognition of what united them as human beings, rather than the war that divided them as killing machines.

Who said the war will be over by Christmas?

Quote from video:

Who wrote the song Christmas in the trenches?

John McCutcheon

Slowly the British and German soldiers leave their trenches, and the war, behind to stand together in the open field. This haunting story is based on an event in World War I known as the Christmas Truce and is adapted by award-winning songwriter John McCutcheon from his song of the same name.

What was a popular song at the start of WWI?

1 | Keep the Home Fires Burning

It was an instant hit.

What music did soldiers listen to in ww1?

Popular songs included “The Long, Long Trail,” “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” “Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile!

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