Could the Germans have “sealed off” the Sea of Azov in World War II?

Could the Axis have ever won? That’s not exactly a win, but there was no way the Axis could ever defeat the United States. In the long run whichever side gained the upper hand scientifically (nuclear weapons, jets, snorkel submarines, etc.) might have been able to win a continuation of the war, immediately or at …

Was there a “literate class” outside the Shi in Zhou-dynasty China?

Did the Zhou Dynasty have social classes? The Zhou Dynasty used a feudal system known as “fengjian,” which translates as “establishment,” to create a power hierarchy. Below the king were nobles, then a gentry upper-class, and merchants. Laborers and peasants were the largest population and made up the bottom of the social order.  What were …

What are some early examples of local businesses advertising?

What is an example of local advertising? Local Advertising means any coupons, savings notices, free gifts, rebates, free trials or other promotional discounts or purchase incentives offered by an Advertiser that relates to either: (a) a neighborhood retail store, restaurant, service or other business located in a specific Franchise Zone, or (b) a neighborhood What …

How much of “Russia” was actually occupied by the Germans in World War II?

How much of Russia was occupied during ww2? Over the course of the Second World War, approximately 44.5 percent of the Soviet population and 8.7 of Soviet territory was occupied by the Axis forces at some point.  How long was Russia occupied by Germany? The German armies eventually captured some five million Soviet Red Army …

Did the East India Company shareholders get any compensation when the Crown took over in 1858?

How did East India Company benefit from the charter given by Royal Crown? The East India Company’s royal charter gave it the ability to “wage war,” and initially it used military force to protect itself and fight rival traders.  Why did the British East India Company lose control of India to the Crown? Partly because …

What do historians mean when they say “divinity” in the context of Ancient Greece?

How did Greeks view divinity? The Greeks believed in gods and goddesses who, they thought, had control over every part of people’s lives. The Ancient Greeks believed that they had to pray to the gods for help and protection, because if the gods were unhappy with someone, then they would punish them. What is divinity …