What impact did trade have on Southeast Asia? International trade provided an environment conducive to rapid industrial growth and transformation of the predominantly agricultural economies of East and Southeast Asia into modern industrial economies in a remarkably short period of time by historical standards. When did the US get involved in Southeast Asia? Since World …
When Were Morions Last Worn By Spanish Soldiers?
Did conquistadors wear morion helmets? Morion helmets were common during the 16th and 17th century and although the helmet is usually identified with the Spanish conquistadors these helmets were commonly used throughout Europe. When was the morion used? A morion (Spanish: morrión) is a type of open-faced combat helmet originally from the Kingdom of Castile …
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Is there a proper title for a woman betrothed to a king?
Can there be a king consort? 3. Can There Be a King Consort? While the title of queen consort is very common (especially within the British monarchy), it is far more unusual for the husband of a monarch to be deemed king consort. Do you become queen if you marry a king? So now Camilla …
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What restrictions were placed on embedded journalists during the Persian Gulf War?
What is the criticism of embedded journalism? Embed critics objected that the level of military oversight was too strict and that embedded journalists would make reports that were too sympathetic to the American side of the war, leading to use of the alternate term “inbedded journalist” or “inbeds”. How did the US government’s policy of …
What was it like to travel to Easter Island?
How did people travel to Easter Island? According to Thor Heyerdahl, people from a pre-Inca society took to the seas from Peru and voyaged east to west, sailing in the prevailing westerly trade winds. He believes they may have been aided, in an El Niño year, when the course of the winds and currents may …
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Was the act of servicemen exchanging their weapons for enemy weapons common during WWII?
What percent of soldiers fired their weapons in ww2? 15 to 20 percent The results were consistently the same: Only 15 to 20 percent of the American riflemen in combat during World War II would fire at the enemy. Did soldiers use enemy weapons? The “capture and use of enemy weapons” has been a practice …
Why did Odoacer choose to be king Instead of emperor?
When did Odoacer become king? 476 Odoacer, also called Odovacar, or Odovakar, (born c. 433—died March 15, 493, Ravenna), first barbarian king of Italy. The date on which he assumed power, 476, is traditionally considered the end of the Western Roman Empire. Was Odoacer an emperor? With the backing of the Roman Senate, Odoacer thenceforth …
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Why is there a statue of Francis Drake in Coquimbo, Chile?
Where is the Sir Francis Drake statue located? In 1999, the original plaster model for the statue was found hidden in woods on Haldon Hill, near Exeter. It was transported to Buckland Abbey where it was repaired and is now on permanent display. On three sides of the Tavistock statue’s plinth are bronze bas reliefs …
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What were the required conditions to be accepted by a university in Medieval times?
What were the characteristics of medieval universities? Initially medieval universities did not have physical facilities such as the campus of a modern university. Classes were taught wherever space was available, such as churches and homes. A university was not a physical space but a collection of individuals banded together as a universitas. What were the …
How accurate is Nietzsche’s account of the birth of tragedy?
What are Nietzsche’s views on the origin of tragedy with reference to The Birth of Tragedy? Nietzsche argues that the tragedy of Ancient Greece was the highest form of art due to its mixture of both Apollonian and Dionysian elements into one seamless whole, allowing the spectator to experience the full spectrum of the human …
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