If modern human existed for hundreds of thousands years why was writing invented only some 7000-9000 years ago?

Why did it take so long for humans to invent writing? Primarily because for 294,490 years, give or take, no one had any need for writing anything down. They never needed to communicate with anyone who was out of earshot, and they owned as few objects as possible. This only changed with the invention of …

Was any Church dispensation granted to Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine’s marriage?

Why was Eleanor of Aquitaine marriage annulled? She bore him two daughters, went on crusade with him and ordered him about until her infidelities and her failure to produce an heir proved too much. The marriage was annulled in March 1152 on grounds of consanguinity. What impacted the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry …

Did a senator try to oust Woodrow Wilson from office?

What were the failures of Woodrow Wilson? Wilson’s failure to address Jim Crow disenfranchisement, his decision to screen Birth of a Nation at the White House in 1915, his dismissal of African American activists, and – most notably – his administration’s active segregation of the federal government, together helped to further cement the systemic racial …

What is the earliest recorded example of an extradition treaty or law?

The first act providing for extradition was adopted in 1833 by Belgium, which also passed the first law on the right to asylum. Extradition acts specify the crimes that are extraditable, clarify extradition procedures and safeguards, and stipulate the relationship between the act and international treaties. When did the extradition treaty start? The first U.S. …

What these footnote like symbols are in Aristotle’s Metaphysics on Perseus

What is the main idea of Aristotle’s metaphysics? Metaphysics, for Aristotle, was the study of nature and ourselves. In this sense he brings metaphysics to this world of sense experience–where we live, learn, know, think, and speak. Metaphysics is the study of being qua being, which is, first, the study of the different ways the …

What are some examples of famous people in history who made big mistakes that they learnt from and this then led them to succeed?

What famous person failed and then succeeded? 1 — Abraham Lincoln He failed numerous times before attaining the highest office in the land. In 1832, when he was 23-years old, Lincoln lost his job. At the same time, he also lost his bid for State Legislature. Just 3 years later, at the age of 26, …

How did people receive news before the advent of the newspaper?

Before the printing press was invented, word of mouth was the primary source of news. Returning merchants, sailors, travellers brought news back to the mainland, and this was then picked up by pedlars and travelling players and spread from town to town. How did people get information in the past? Before the Internet people gathered …

Has any country, other than Britain, given away its empire?

Which countries broke away from the British Empire? The British Empire permanently changed national borders in several parts of the world, such as in the Americas and Asia. While American colonies came together to form the United States of America, three countries were carved out of British India — India, Pakistan, and later Bangladesh.  How …