What did the post world war two civilian food ration consist of in the UK?

What food was rationed in ww2 UK? Shortages persisted and bread, which had been freely available during the war, was rationed for two years from July 1946. Animal products such as cheese, bacon, ham, meat and fats as well as sugar also remained scarce. It took until mid-1954 before rationing finally ended. What was the …

Where can I find historical data of changes in the population of Buddhist followers since Ancient India?

How do you know about the history of Buddhism? The history of Buddhism spans from the 5th century BCE to the present. Buddhism arose in Ancient India, in and around the ancient Kingdom of Magadha, and is based on the teachings of the ascetic Siddhārtha Gautama. Where do we find the evidence of Buddha culture? …

How many people were affected by the Holodomor [Famine-Genocide in Ukraine]

Holodomor Holodomor Голодомор Impact on demographics 10% of Ukraine’s population perished Kuban Ukrainian population declined from 915,000 to 150,000 between 1926 and 1939 from various causes Over 35% of Ukrainians in Kazakhstan lost in the famine How many people were affected by Holodomor? While it is impossible to determine the precise number of victims of …

Was the European slave market in the East during the colonial era similar to the transatlantic slave market? If not (less brutal, etc), why?

What is the difference between the transatlantic slave trade? While the transatlantic slave trade mainly involved enslaving people from West Africa and forcing them to work on plantations in the Americas, modern slavery is more widespread in countries across the world, including the UK. What impact did the transatlantic slave trade have on Europe’s economy? …

What is the number of slaves imported from Africa to the Americas by non-British countries?

How many Africans were transported to North America? From the 1500s to the 1800s, merchants transported approximately 12 million Africans across the Atlantic as human property. The most common routes formed what is now known as the “Triangle Trade,” connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas.  How many slaves were taken from Africa to the Americas …

Why did the Japanese expect the United States navy would attack the Home Islands?

Why did the Japanese want to attack the U.S. Navy? Japan intended the attack as a preventive action. Its aim was to prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and those of the United States. Why did …