Term for one culture having a large influence over surrounding cultures?

What is it called when one culture influences another?

Acculturation is often tied to political conquest or expansion, and is applied to the process of change in beliefs or traditional practices that occurs when the cultural system of one group displaces that of another.

What is cultural relativism vs ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism compares other cultures by using a group’s specific culture as the basis of that comparison, believing theirs to be superior and the standard to be used in comparison to other cultures. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, believes that culture is understood best through its own people.

What is assimilation vs acculturation?

Assimilation is one outcome of acculturation. It involves the complete adoption of the ways of life of the new cultural group, resulting in the assimilated group losing nearly all of its original or native culture.

What is acculturation vs enculturation?

To acculturate is to take on the culture and norms of a society that is not your own, or is not native to you. This is sometimes done when you move to new place or country. To enculturate is to learn and take on your own native culture and it is a process over time like learning a habit or trait while growing up.

What is the meaning of Xenocentrism?

The term xenocentrism refers to the desire to engage in the elements of another’s culture rather than one’s own. Styles, ideas and products can all be items of preference by someone with xenocentrist viewpoints.

What is cultural crossover?

Culture Crossover is a personal art exploration project, by combining traditional culture, dressing customs, and popular culture in different regions. This work is based on the principle of artistic exploration, and it is not intended to discredit, discriminate or insult the cultures of various countries.

What is culture intersectionality?

Intersectionality theory proposes the idea that key dimensions of cultural identity including, but not limited to race, gender, and socioeconomic status interrelate with one another and can be indicators of chronic illness like hypertension and diabetes in avoidable ways (Gore and Kothari, 2012, pp. 2, 7).

What is the word for adapting to another culture?

See definition of acculturation on Dictionary.com. nounadjustment to culture.

What are the 4 types of acculturation?

When these two dimensions are crossed, four acculturation strategies are defined: assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization.

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