What hapenned to the Mexican officer who was found with James Fannin’s watch in the Battle of San Jacinto of the Texas Revolution?

What happened to Colonel Fannin?

Mexican forces overtook him at the Battle of Coleto. Though Mexican general José de Urrea sought mercy for his prisoners, Santa Anna stood firm in his orders. On Palm Sunday of 1836, the Mexican Army executed Fannin and more than three hundred of his men.

How did the Texans defeated the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto?

During the Texan War for Independence, the Texas militia under Sam Houston launches a surprise attack against the forces of Mexican General Santa Anna along the San Jacinto River. The Mexicans were thoroughly defeated, and hundreds were taken prisoner, including General Santa Anna himself.

Who was the Mexican leader at Coleto Creek?

In February, General José de Urrea led a branch of the Mexican army up the Gulf Coast of Mexican Texas toward Goliad, where a large contingent of soldiers from the Texian Army was garrisoned under Colonel James W. Fannin.

Battle of Coleto.

Date March 19–20, 1836
Location Goliad County, Texas
Result Mexican victory

What happened to Santa Anna after the Battle of San Jacinto?

The resulting campaign led to the Battle of San Jacinto. It was a disaster for Santa Anna. The Mexican army was completely surprised by the stealthy Texians, roused from an afternoon siesta without the chance to organize. Santa Anna was captured, sent to Washington D.C., and eventually returned home.

What happens when Colonel Fannin and his troops encountered Mexican forces?

Instead, the Mexican commanding officer shot Fannin in the face, burned his body with the others and kept the timepiece as a war prize. Nearly 350 rebels were executed in the Goliad Massacre, almost twice as many as were killed at the siege of the Alamo.

Was Fannin killed at Goliad?

After being outnumbered and surrendering to the Mexican Army at the Battle of Coleto Creek, Fannin and his fellow prisoners of war were massacred soon afterward at Goliad, Texas, under Santa Anna’s orders. He was memorialized in several place names, including a military training camp and a major city street in Houston.

How many Mexican soldiers died at the Battle of the Alamo?

On the morning of March 6, 1836, General Santa Anna recaptured the Alamo, ending the 13-day siege. An estimated 1,000 to 1,600 Mexican soldiers died in the battle. Of the official list of 189 Texan defenders, all were killed.

How many Mexicans died at San Jacinto?

630 killed

Caught off guard by the bold broad-daylight attack, the Mexican Army hardly had time to respond. Nine Texans died and only 30 more suffered wounds, while the Mexican losses totaled 630 killed, 208 injured, and 730 taken prisoner.

Why did Mexicans fight hard to keep Texas?

The most immediate cause of the Texas Revolution was the refusal of many Texas, both Anglo and Mexican, to accept the governmental changes mandated by “Siete Leyes” which placed almost total power in the hands of the Mexican national government and Santa Anna.

Why did James Fannin surrender?

As Fannin’s regiment withdrew, it was surrounded by a Mexican force under General Jose de Urrea. Fannin unsuccessfully engaged the Mexican army at the Battle of Coleto Creek and was forced to surrender his entire command.

Why didn’t Fannin send reinforcements to the Alamo?

Fannin had decided that the logistics of reaching the Alamo in time were impossible and, in any event, his 300 or so men would not make a difference against the Mexican army and its 2,000 soldiers.

Why did Fannin surrender at Coleto Creek?

After the Mexican artillery had fired one or possibly two rounds, Fannin was convinced that making another stand would be futile. Another consultation among his officers produced the decision to seek honorable terms for surrender for the sake of the wounded, and to hope the Mexicans would adhere to them.

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