What was the role of the mountain ranges surrounding India in developing India’s civilization?

How did the mountain ranges of ancient India affect the civilization?

The Himalayas provided a great deal of protection from nomadic and military invasions from the north, and other mountain ranges provided similar protection in the west and east. The water ways of the Indus valley provided an excellent source for trade and commerce all through India’s history.

How did the mountains impact the people of India?

In Ancient India, if you chose to live higher up in the mountains, you would have a treacherous terrains. That means you would have harder times to travel down roads to trade with others or a harder time moving to another location.

How did the mountain ranges of India protect the country?

The Himalayan mountain ranges in India served as a barrier and protected the country from many foreign invasions. The Himalayan mountain ranges in India served as a barrier and protected the country from many foreign invasions.

How did the water and mountains protect the ancient Indians?

Water and mountains surrounded ancient India. This geographic isolation protected the people who settled in this region. It was extremely difficult for outside invaders to reach the subcontinent without making dangerous journeys over the mountains or across the ocean.

How did the Himalayas help India?

The Himalayas save our country from the cold and dry winds of Central Asia. They also prevent the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean from crossing over to Northern countries and cause heavy rainfall in Northern India. Many rivers have their sources in the Himalayan ranges. The Himalayan slopes have dense forests.

How do the Himalayas benefit India?

The Himalayas save our country from the cold and dry winds of Central Asia. It also prevents the rain-laden monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean from crossing over to Northern countries and causes heavy rainfall in Northern India. Almost all the great rivers of India have their sources in the Himalayan ranges.

How do mountains protect us?

Mountains are the world’s “water towers,” providing 60-80% of all freshwater resources for our planet. At least half of the world’s population depends on mountain ecosystem services to survive – not only water but also food and clean energy.

Which mountain range has protected India from foreign invasion?

The Himalayas have been protecting India from outside invaders since the early times thus serving as a defence barrier.

What are the surrounding nations in India?

The nine neighbouring countries of India are – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

How did natural forces and the geography of India affect the development of civilization there?

How did natural forces and the geography of India affect the development of civilization there? Monsoons brought needed water to crops; fertile lands that lie to the north and along the west and east coast encouraged settlement.

Which mountain range shaped the geography of ancient India?

The Hindu Kush (left) and the Himalayas (right) formed when the Indian subcontinent collided with Asia 8 million years ago. These mountains and others that resulted from the collision stretch across India’s northern border.

How did the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean help the development of Indus River Valley?

The Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of Bengal surround India. Ancient Indians sailed these waters to other ancient lands, such as Mesopotamia. This travel helped encourage trade. The tall mountains help block cold north winds from reaching much of India.

Why are mountain ranges important?

Mountains provide for the freshwater needs of more than half of humanity, and are, in effect, the water towers of the world. The world’s mountains encompass some of the most spectacular landscapes, a great diversity of species and habitat types, and distinctive human communities.

What is the role of mountains on Earth?

Mountains are particularly important for their biodiversity, water, clean air, research, cultural diversity, leisure, landscape and spiritual values.

Why are mountains useful?

Mountains are a storehouse of water. Water from the mountains is also used for irrigation and generation of hydro-electricity. The river valleys and terraces are ideal for the cultivation of crops. Mountains have a rich variety of flora and fauna.

What is a mountain range Class 6?

They are natural elevation of the earth surface. They are higher than the surrounding area. Some mountains are veiy high. They are even higher than the clouds.

What is mountain in geography?

mountain, landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area, and considerable local relief. Mountains generally are understood to be larger than hills, but the term has no standardized geological meaning.

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