How did the civil service examinations affect Chinese society?
The civil service examination system was an important vehicle of social mobility in imperial China. Even a youth from the poorest family could theoretically join the ranks of the educated elite by succeeding in the examination system.
How did the civil service exam create stability in Chinese society over time?
The exams served to ensure a common knowledge of writing, Chinese classics, and literary style among state officials. This common culture helped to unify the empire, and the ideal of achievement by merit gave legitimacy to imperial rule.
What was the civil service exam in imperial China?
The civil service exam system in imperial China was a system of testing designed to select the most studious and learned candidates for appointment as bureaucrats in the Chinese government. This system governed who would join the bureaucracy between 650 CE and 1905, making it the world’s longest-lasting meritocracy.
How did the civil service examinations and the scholar official class shape Chinese society and culture?
The examination system helped to shape China’s intellectual, cultural, and political life. The increased reliance on the exam system was in part responsible for the Tang dynasty shifting from a military aristocracy to a gentry class of scholar-bureaucrats.
How did the civil service examinations affect Chinese society quizlet?
The civil service examination allowed people in Chinese society to accurately elect their officials. Only those of noble birth could complete the civil service examination. The Chinese turned to the civil service exams to assist them in keeping their authority over their people. This was based on merit.
What was the civil service exam and why was it important?
What Is the Civil Service Exam? To uphold the integrity of civil service positions, many civil service careers require applicants to take the civil service exam. This exam ensures that candidates are serious about pursuing employment and keeps employers from hiring unqualified professionals.
What was a weakness of China’s civil service system?
One of the main weakness of the system during the Tang dynasty was that it aimed at members of the region’s political elite (the effort persisted for one century but was highly uneven as the number was less than fifteen during Kao-tsu’s reign].
How civil service examinations helped China achieve a golden age?
Civil service exams were used to identify people who were qualified for government positions and were an important way for people to move up the social ladder and to positions of power in the government.
What was the significance of the Chinese examination system?
The examination system was an attempt to recruit men on the basis of merit rather than on the basis of family or political connection. Because success in the examination system was the basis of social status and because education was the key to success in the system, education was highly regarded in traditional China.
What was the importance of examination system in the Chinese government?
Due to its accessibility and ubiquity, the examination system had a decisive impact on the intellectual and social landscapes of imperial China. This impact was reinforced by the rule that candidates were allowed to retake examinations as often as they needed to in order to reach the next level.
What did the civil service do in ancient China?
They would collect taxes, enforce laws, and act as judges. They also kept the local census and often taught or managed local schools.
How civil service examinations helped China achieve a golden age?
Civil service exams were used to identify people who were qualified for government positions and were an important way for people to move up the social ladder and to positions of power in the government.
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