Which military first mandated After-Action Review?

Who invented After Action Review?

Called “one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised,” the After Action Review (AAR) was developed by the United States Army in the 1970s to help its soldiers learn from both their mistakes and achievements. Since then, the AAR has been used by many companies for performance assessment.

What is military After Action Review?

After action reviews (AARs) are used within the military and organizations to assess events and their corresponding training outcomes. These team discussions provide a learning-focused method to assess performance and analyze failures or possible improvements to future events.

What is the Army after action review’s final step?

At the end of the AAR, the facilitator reviews key points and issues, and summarizes observed strengths and weaknesses and the plan to train tasks differently to meet the commander’s intent.

What are the 4 parts of an AAR?

The After Action Review has four main parts
The planning phase, the preparation, the actual conduct with the AAR and in my personal opinion the most important, number four is follow through on the results.

What is the history of After Action Review?

Called “one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised,” the after-action review (AAR) was developed by the United States Army in the 1970s to help its soldiers learn from both their mistakes and achievements. Since then, many companies have used the AAR for performance assessment.

What are the 5 AAR questions?

Beginning—The AAR will seek to answer five key questions: 1) what was supposed to happen, 2) what was the reality, 3) what went well, 4) what did not go well, and 5) what should be changed for next time.

What is another name for After Action Review?

Some call an After-Action Review a Hot Wash, an After-Action Debriefing, a Look Back, or a Post Mortem, among others. In the Agile community, some call it a Retrospective. Above all, an AAR provides a reflection by those involved to learn what happened so that we can improve future performance.

What is the other name for After Action Review?

Conducting an after-action review, or debrief, enables crew members to analyze what happened, why it happened during an incident and what improvements can be made.

What is the purpose of conducting an After Action Review?

After-action reviews are a leadership and knowledge-sharing tool which bring together the team that is closest to the activity or project, when a critical milestone has been reached, to discuss successes and failures in an open and honest fashion.

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