Why bother to attack in trench warfare?

Why is attacking a trench so difficult?

This area is not protected from the weapons of either side, and is dangerous to walk through. It is difficult to force the enemy to retreat, because it is too dangerous to move forward over no-man’s land towards the enemy.

What was the main problem with trench warfare?

Trench warfare created a living environment for the men which was harsh, stagnant and extremely dangerous. Not only were trenches constantly under threat of attack from shells or other weapons, but there were also many health risks that developed into large-scale problems for medical personnel.

What advantages would soldiers in a trench have over an attacking enemy?

Trench warfare is the type of land warfare using occupied lines largely comprising military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy’s small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery.

What were 3 problems with trench warfare?

Trenches provided protection from bullets and shells, but they did carry their own risks. Trench foot, trench fever, dysentery, and cholera could inflict casualties as readily as any enemy. Rats, flies, and lice were also commonplace.

Why was trench warfare so terrifying?

Often there would be tens or hundreds of guns used in these attacks, firing thousands of shells (World War One Facts, n.d). the enemy but conditions in the trenches were often physically and mentally draining. The trenches were plagued by vermin, full of mud and disease and sanitation was deficient.

Why do you think trench warfare was so stressful?

Disease and ‘shell shock’ were rampant in the trenches.

As they were often effectively trapped in the trenches for long periods of time, under nearly constant bombardment, many soldiers suffered from “shell shock,” the debilitating mental illness known today as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What are 2 disadvantages of trench warfare?

Trench life involved long periods of boredom mixed with brief periods of terror. The threat of death kept soldiers constantly on edge, while poor living conditions and a lack of sleep wore away at their health and stamina.

Is trench warfare still effective?

In fact, trench warfare remains arguably the most effective strategy for infantry where, for whatever reason, armor and air support are lacking.

What do you think was the most difficult part of trench warfare?

Tunneling was the safest method, but also the most difficult. The land between the two enemy trench lines was called “No Man’s Land.” This land was sometimes covered with barbed wire and land mines.

Why was it so hard to break the deadlock of trench warfare?

One of the most basic reasons why it was impossible to break the deadlock on the Western Front was the inability of commanders to control events once an attack began. Telephone lines from the front line were regularly cut by shellfire and runners were routinely wounded or killed.

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