Why did Cleon say this in the Mytilenian Debate?

What did the Mytilenean revolt reveal about Athenian democracy?

Answer and Explanation: The Mytilenean Revolt revealed a few things about Athenian democracy. First, it did not preclude imperialism, though no faction involved in this particular conflict came off as particularly virtuous. It also revealed how fickle Athenian democracy could be.

Who were the two senators debating the fate of the Mytilenians?

The following debate–called the Mitylenian Debate by Thucydides–took place between Cleon and Diodotus and addressed key political issues raised by the Peloponnesian War.

What did Cleon do?

He was the first prominent representative of the commercial class in Athenian politics, although he was an aristocrat himself. He strongly advocated for an offensive war strategy and is remembered for being ruthless in carrying out his policies.

What is the outcome for the melians of their debate with the Athenians?

The Melians rejected the ultimatum. The Athenians laid siege to the city and withdrew most of their troops from the island to fight elsewhere. The Melians made a number of sorties, at one point capturing part of the Athenian line, but failed to break the siege.

What happened in the revolt of Mytilene?

The siege of Mytilene (428-427 BC) saw the Athenians defeat a revolt on the island of Lesbos, and is most famous for the two debates about the correct punishment for the rebels. Before the revolt the island of Lesbos was part of the Athenian alliance, but not a member of the more formal Athenian Empire.

Who founded Mytilene?

Myrina, Queen of the Amazons, in her conquering campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean, seized Lesbos and ‘founded the city of Mytilene, which was named after her sister who took part in the campaign’, writes Diodorus Siculus (Bibliotheke, III. 55), intimating the origins of its conspicuously feminine history.

What ended the Peace of Nicias?

The Peace of Nicias was a peace treaty signed between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta in March 421 BC that ended the first half of the Peloponnesian War.

Peace of Nicias.

The treaty is named for Athenian Statesmen and General Nicias
Type Peace treaty
Language Ancient Greek

Who won the siege of Athens?

Siege of Athens and Piraeus (87–86 BC)

Date Autumn 87 BC – 1 March 86 BC (Athens), Spring 86 BC (Piraeus)
Location Athens, Greece
Result Roman victory

What was the result of the Mytilenean debate?

Results of the debate

Mytilene’s oligarchy was removed and democracy installed; the Athenians razed the city walls and divided most of the Lesbian land, which was distributed to Athenians. Thucydides’ treatment of the events highlights some of the relative merits of oligarchy and democracy, as perceived at the time.

How did the war show the triumph of democracy?

Answer and Explanation: The Peloponnesian War showed the resilience of democratic ideals in Athens, as Alcibiades helped the Athenians resist an oligarchic takeover by the so-called Four Hundred in 411 BC.

What led to Athenian democracy?

Solon (in 594 BC), Cleisthenes (in 508–07 BC), and Ephialtes (in 462 BC) contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes broke up the unlimited power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived, rather than on their wealth.

What leader was influential in the creation of democracy in Athens?

leader Cleisthenes

In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”). It was the first known democracy in the world.

Who was Athens greatest hero?


Theseus was the great hero of Athens who battled the Minotaur, Amazons, Centaurs, & Villains.

Who was the greatest king of Athens?

Theseus, the king of Athens. The semi-mythical, semi-historical Theseus was the great hero of ancient Athens. The numerous heroic deeds ascribed to him were seen by the ancient Athenians as the acts that led to the birth of democracy in the Attic city-state, the cradle of Greek democracy.

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