Why did Galileo decide to flame Fr. Grassi over the latter’s theory of comets, making sure to lose the Jesuits’ support?

How were the responses of the ecclesiastical authorities to Copernicus and Galileo different why?

Both scientists held the same theory that the Earth revolved around the sun, a theory now known to be true. However, the Church disapproved of this theory because the Holy Scriptures state that the Earth is at the center, not the Sun.

Why was Galileo was forced to apologize for his views?

Galileo was forced to recant his scientific findings to avoid being burned at the stake and spent the remaining eight years of his life under house arrest. John Paul said the theologians who condemned Galileo did not recognize the formal distinction between the Bible and its interpretation.
31 окт. 1991 

How did the Church react to the heliocentric theory?

In February-March 1616, the Catholic Church issued a prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion. This led later (1633) to the Inquisition trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) as a suspected heretic, which generated a controversy that continues to our day.

Did Galileo think comets were an optical illusion?

Galileo countered that comets are an optical illusion, produced by reflected light, so it becomes a meaningless question to ask where they are located.

How did Galileo overcome the objections to the Copernican view?

Galileo attempted to overcome opposition to Copernicanism within the Catholic Church by offering a demonstration of this theory that appeals to the fact that the double motion of the earth is necessary as a cause of the tides.

Did Galileo agree or disagree with Copernicus?

Eventually, Galileo came to the same conclusion as Copernicus: the sun, not Earth, was at the center of the universe. In 1632, Galileo published a book in support of the heliocentric theory. Copernicus had previously written in support of the heliocentric theory, but he had been moderate in his claims.

Why was Galileo punished for his beliefs?

Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.

What theories was Galileo trying to refute?

Instead, Galileo disproved the Ptolemaic theory, sanctioned for centuries by the Church, which held the Earth to be the central and principal object in the universe, about which all celestial objects orbited.
17 нояб. 1992 

What ideas did Galileo disagree with and why?

They thought that the solar system we live in was the whole universe. So when they referred to the universe, they really meant only our solar system. Galileo did not agree that our universe is geocentric, or that everything revolves around Earth.

How did the public respond to Copernicus heliocentric theory?

However, the article also notes that Copernicus gained ridicule from poets and Protestants, who condemned it as heresy. While the Catholic Church initially accepted heliocentricity, Catholics eventually joined the wave of Protestant opposition and banned the book in 1616.

How did religious leaders react to Copernicus ideas?

How did religious leaders react to Copernicus’s theory? Catholics and Protestants both initially rejected it, but Protestants, lacking a centralized authority, more quickly accommodated themselves to his thinking.

How did the Church respond to Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems?

Naturally, the Catholic Church objected and ordered Galileo to stand trial for heresy in 1633. He was eventually found guilty of believing in heliocentrism and required to formally reject those opinions. He was also sentenced to house arrest, where he remained for the rest of his life, until he died in 1642.

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