Why did Iturbide choose Fernández for the mission to California?

What did Iturbide want?

Iturbide’s Plan de Iguala, published on February 24, 1821, proclaimed three guarantees: (1) immediate independence from Spain, (2) equality for Spaniards and Creoles, and (3) the supremacy of Roman Catholicism and a ban on all other religions.

What did Agustín de Iturbide do?

Army general Augustin de Iturbide (1783‒1824) galvanized Mexican support for independence. After a decade of fighting, Iturbide negotiated the Plan de Iguala, which set the terms under which Mexico defined its identity as an independent nation.

What was Agustín de Iturbide’s role in the independence movement?

Agustín de Iturbide was the leader of the conservative factions in the Mexican independence movement, defeated Morelos, and gained independence for Mexico in 1821. Agustín de Iturbide declared Mexico’s independence from Spain in 1821.

Why is Agustín de Iturbide a hero?

He was a good hero because Iturbide launched his own revolt by issuing the Plan of Iguala. This plan guaranteed three things; the independence of Mexico, the same rights for Spaniards and crillos (Mexican mix). The last thing that the new plan guaranteed was the supreme power of the Catholic Church.

Why did Iturbide dissolve the Congress?

In August 1821 Iturbide and viceroy Juan O’Donoju signed the Tratado de Córdoba, ending the war and giving Mexico independence. Iturbide was proclaimed emperor in May 1822 but by October was forced to dissolve the national congress because of resistance from the opposition.
6 янв. 1995 

What did Iturbide want for the Mexican government?

His plan called for an independent Mexico ruled by a European prince (or by a Mexican—i.e., Iturbide himself—if no European could be found), retention by the Roman Catholic Church and the military of all of their powers, equal rights for creoles and peninsulares (those of Spanish ancestry on both sides, born in Mexico

Where does the last name Iturbide come from?

Iturbide is a Basque surname, original from the region of Navarra, a province located north of Spain, bordering with France. It is Basque for “Road of the fountain”.

What did Mexico become after Iturbide took control?

Agustín de Iturbide: A Mexican army general and politician. During the Mexican War of Independence, he built a successful political and military coalition that took control in Mexico City on September 27, 1821, decisively gaining independence for Mexico.

What is a famous quote by Agustín de Iturbide?

I die with honor, and not as a traitor. “ (“Agustín de Iturbide.” Dictionary of Hispanic Biography).

What was Maderos goal?

Madero made gestures of reform to those who had helped bring him to power, but his aim was a democratic transition to power, fulfilled by his election.

Who was Madero and what did he want?

Madero was a believer in a moderate form of democracy, and he helped organize the Benito Juárez Democratic Club and a political party in Coahuila (1904–05) in an unsuccessful attempt to become governor of the state.

What did Spain want from Mexico?

Spain’s purposes to colonize Mexico and the other colonies were getting new land, resources, and to spread Christianity. As they conquered Mexico, they got new land. Spain plundered lots of resources from their colonies, opened up trade and get profits and spread Christianity.

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