Why did Western Christian monasticism really take off in Ireland?

Why were the monasteries in Ireland important?

These little villages would allow monks to survive the elements of nature but also to lead a religious lifestyle in a remote place. Irish monasteries became extremely popular had been renowned for being the best monasteries in the world for the teaching of poetry, literature, arts and of course the gospel.

Why did Christian monasticism start?

Some of the earliest, if not the earliest Christian monastics, the desert monks of Egypt lived in both eremitic and cenobitic fashion. It is often claimed that they arose as a reaction to luxury and laxness after Christianity was declared legal and then favored in the Roman Empire .

Why did monasticism become popular?

A significant impetus to the rise of Monasticism in Europe came from the legalization of Christianity. The erstwhile illicit nature of Christianity in the Roman Empire allowed devout Christians to publicly announce their religion, in exchange for an enduring test that lasted till their execution.

How did monks spread Christianity in Ireland?

Many Irish monks that had helped to set up these monasteries in Ireland wanted to bring Christianity to other countries. These monks were great sea travellers, who braved the dangerous seas in the hope of establishing monasteries abroad. The boats that these monks used were traditional Irish boats called coracles.

What impact did Christianity have on Ireland?

Christianity brought Latin to Ireland, and the writings of both the Church Fathers and Classical authors were read and studied. Irish scribes produced manuscripts written in the clear hand known as Insular; this usage spread from Ireland to Anglo-Saxon England and to Irish monasteries on the European continent.

What is the history of monasticism in Ireland?

The monastic way of life, which began in Egypt in the 3d century, was introduced into Ireland by St. patrick, who spoke with surprise of the Irish boys and girls who insisted on becoming “monks and virgins of Christ.” Their place in the Church, as organized by St. Patrick, however, was secondary.

When did monasticism decline?

Many of these were related to the Protestant Reformation in Continental Europe. By the end of the 16th century, monasticism had almost entirely disappeared from those European states whose rulers had adopted Lutheran or Reformed confessions of faith (Ireland being the only major exception).

What was the impact of monasticism?

Through monasticism, prominent individuals in the history of Christianity encountered God in unique, spiritual ways that inspired others to pursue the same. Many forms of monasticism exist and are often based on people (i.e., Benedict of Nursia), geographical regions, and/or branches of Christianity.

Why were the monasteries so important?

Monks and nuns performed many practical services in the Middle Ages, for they housed travelers, nursed the sick, and assisted the poor; abbots and abbesses dispensed advice to secular rulers. But monasticism also offered society a spiritual outlet and ideal with important consequences for medieval culture as a whole.

What was the importance of monasteries?

Monasteries were a place where travelers could stay during the Middle Ages as there were very few inns during that time. They also helped to feed the poor, take care of the sick, and provided education to boys in the local community.

Why is monastery important?

Monasteries were not only religious centres but also important commercial enterprises. There were many monasteries that were located on important trade routes; as employers they attracted craftsmen and traders and had close links with the economic life of towns.

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