Why was the German system of interlocking plates not used after WWII for armored vehicle construction?

Why were German tanks better in WW2?

The German 88 is more powerful than any American tank gun used during the course of most of the war. The German tank is much heavier and therefore its armor is much thicker than that of any American tank. The tracks of the former are much wider, with perhaps a less vulnerable suspension system than that of the latter.

Why did Germany put Zimmerit on their tanks?

There was concern that the Allies would copy this weapon, so Zimmerit, a paste applied to German tanks and assault guns, was devised as a countermeasure. Although it was not fully anti-magnetic, the thickness of the paste and its patterned application was meant to reduce a magnet’s ability to stick to the tank.

What was the most effective German tank in WW2?

The Sd Kfz 173 Jagdpanther was Germany’s greatest tank destroyer of the Second World War. An idea that came from Hitler himself, the Jagdpanther combined the reliable Panther tank chassis with the immense firepower of the PAK 43 88mm gun.

Why did German tanks have ridges?

The coating was normally ridged to increase the distance between the magnet and the armor even further, as the high points on the pattern increase the effective thickness of the coating while minimising additional weight.

Which country had best tanks in WW2?

The Soviet Union showed it could be done. The T-34, produced in 1940, was arguably the best tank of the war. From the very start, the T-34 achieved that crucial balance between armour, firepower and mobility that eluded British tank designers for so long.

Which country made the best tank in WW2?

The Panther is often believed to be the best German tank of the Second World War. When the Germans invaded Russia in June 1941, they were surprised by the quantity and quality of Soviet armour. Hitler ordered that the T-34 be copied and the result was the Panther, which saw action for the first time at Kursk in 1943.

Why do Russian tanks have wood on the back?

Read allSoviet and Russian tanks commonly travel with a log attached to the exterior. This simple device helps tankers deal with the soft or uneven terrain of central Europe that even a tracked vehicles can get stuck in. The log give the tracks additional purchase to help the tank escape the mire.

Why did German tanks have overlapping road wheels?

This design choice offered a good compromise between reducing the tank’s ground pressure by spreading its 57 tonne weight over as many wheels as possible, keeping the vehicle compact enough to be manoeuvrable and giving a smooth ride over rough ground.

Why do German tanks have the Iron Cross?

The Iron Cross was originally a Prussian military honour, established by King Friedrich Wilhelm III in 1813, and the design is still used today as a national symbol on Germany’s military aircraft and tanks.

Did Germany have the best tanks in ww2?

American tanks in World War II were generally inferior to their German counterparts. German tanks boasted better armor protection and more firepower. But armor and lethality don’t tell the whole story. The same American tanks were superior to their rivals in other important ways.

What was the most effective tank in ww2?

The Sherman tank was the most commonly used American tank in World War II. More than 50,000 Shermans were produced between 1942 and 1945. They were used in all combat theaters—not only by the United States, but also by Great Britain, the Free French, China, and even the Soviet Union.

Why was the Panzer tank so good?

In the opening battles of World War II, German Panzer divisions ran over, through and around every enemy defensive position in their way. They restored mobility and maneuver to the modern battlefield, and in so doing they proved that war could consist of more than launching bloody frontal assaults by massed infantry.

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