Why were Greek philosophy and sciences taken up by medieval Muslim civilizations, but not contemporary Western Europe?

How did the Muslims in the Middle Ages preserve the Greek and Roman sciences and philosophies?

The Muslim conquerors eventually came into possession of various Greek and Roman manuscripts. Rather than destroy these works, Muslim scholars carefully preserved them, translating them into Arabic, studying them, and in some cases building on ideas set down by the ancient writers in their own works.

How did Greek philosophy influence Islamic philosophy?

Muslim scholars learned Greek scientific thought and accepted these views as working theories necessary for further scientific inquiry. Muslim scholars were impressed by the Greek point of view, but they added to scientific knowledge in each succeeding generation.
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What did the Greeks contribute to the Islamic world?

The Byzantine Empire initially provided the medieval Islamic world with Ancient and early Medieval Greek texts on astronomy, mathematics and philosophy for translation into Arabic as the Byzantine Empire was the leading center of scientific scholarship in the region at the beginning of the Middle Ages.

What was the effect of Islam on Europe in the early Middle Ages?

Islamic contributions to Medieval Europe were numerous, affecting such varied areas as art, architecture, medicine, agriculture, music, language, education, law, and technology. From the 11th to the 13th century, Europe absorbed knowledge from the Islamic civilization.

How Islam contributed to the rise of science in the Middle Ages?

Muslim scientists made important developments in both geometry and trigonometry which were useful in the study of astronomy and in practical arts such as architecture, and technologies such as the design of water wheels and farming machinery.

What was the relationship between Greek philosophers and the Islamic Golden Age?

Islamic scholars preserved writings of Ancient Greeks

Yet, the Muslim world was alight with the fire of knowledge, as scribes tirelessly translated the works of ancient Greek scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians, whose works later inspired some of the most important intellectuals in history.

How did Greek philosophy influence Western civilization?

They pioneered the art of exploring nature rationally and developing theories that explained the existence of the universe. Greek philosophers combined ideas from science, philosophy, art, and politics to form a holistic worldview that moved them away from the then-popular mythological perspective.

What is the relationship between Islamic philosophy and science?

Islam attempts to synthesize reason and revelation, knowledge and values, in its approach to the study of nature. Knowledge acquired through rational human efforts and through the Qur’an are seen as complementary: both are ‘signs of God’ that enable humanity to study and understand nature.

Which philosophy was most influenced by Islamic philosophy?

Nonetheless, Islamic philosophy, which reintroduced Aristotelianism to the Latin West, remained influential in the development of medieval Scholasticism and of modern European philosophy.

How was Greek philosophy reception in Islamic world?

The initial reception of Greek–Hellenistic philosophy in the Islamic world was mixed. It was frowned upon at first as being suspiciously foreign or pagan, and was dismissed by conservative theologians, legal scholars and grammarians as pernicious or superfluous.

What did Greek philosophy lead to?

In short, not only did ancient Greek philosophy pave the way for the Western intellectual tradition, including modern science, but it also shook cultural foundations in its own time.

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