Are there any battles that have been extensively studied across the world?

What was the most impactful war in history?

World War II, which spanned September of 1939 to September of 1945, was the largest armed conflict in history and featured battles in nearly every region of the world.

What is the oldest recorded war?

the Battle of Megiddo

The first armed conflict in history recorded by eyewitnesses was the Battle of Megiddo in 1479 BCE between Thutmose III (r. 1458-1425 BCE) of Egypt and an alliance of former Egyptian territories under the leadership of the King of Kadesh.

How long did ancient battles last?

According to John Keegan’s “A History of Warfare” – and excepting sieges (which could last months) – typical battles in ancient times (greek/roman era) were indeed short, most lasting a few hours. Some would last an entire day.

Why were battles fought in ancient times?

Answer: War is waged by political entities, nations or, earlier, city states in order to resolve political or territorial disputes and are carried out on the battlefield by armies comprised of soldiers of the contending nations or by mercenaries paid by a government to wage battle.

Who is the greatest war leader of all time?

1. Alexander the Great 2. Julius Caesar 3. Genghis Khan 4. Napoleon

  • Alexander the Great.
  • Julius Caesar.
  • Genghis Khan.

What is the shortest war in human history?

At 9am on 27 August 1896, following an ultimatum, five ships of the Royal Navy began a bombardment of the Royal Palace and Harem in Zanzibar.

What was the most feared army in history?

The 5 most feared warriors in military history

  1. Mongols. In just 20 years, Genghis Khan was able to capture and control a massive empire that Rome couldn’t conquer in 200 years. …
  2. Gurkhas. Gurkhas are Nepal’s best-kept secret weapon. …
  3. Comanche. …
  4. Teutonic Warriors. …
  5. Sikhs.

Who has the strongest ancient army?

Top 10 Greatest Ancient Armies

  • #8: Babylonia. …
  • #7: The Huns. …
  • #6: Carthage. …
  • #5: Egypt. …
  • #4: Kingdom of Macedonia. …
  • #3: Han Dynasty. …
  • #2: Roman Empire. …
  • #1: Achaemenid Empire.

Who invented war?

The earliest records of war date around 2700 BC. The ancient Sumerians carved battle records onto stone tablets [source: The Origins of War]. The conflict was between the Sumerians and the neighboring Elamites, who lived in what is now Iran.

Did the Romans fight Greeks?

The two powers actually fought three wars, from 217 to

What is considered the most epic battle in ancient history?

The Battle of Thermopylae may be one of the most infamous of ancient battles—in no small part due to exaggerated films like 300—but it wasn’t until a battle near the small town of Plataea the following year that Persian forces would ultimately be driven back by the Greeks.

What made ancient Greek fighters so powerful?

Fighting in the tight phalanx formation maximised the effectiveness of his armor, large shield and long spear, presenting a wall of armor and spear points to the enemy. They were a force to be reckoned with.

What was the best trained army in history?

Top 10 Armies of All Time

  1. #1: American Military in the 20th Century.
  2. #2: Napoleon’s Grande Armée. …
  3. #3: The Greco-Macedonians. …
  4. #4: The German Wehrmacht 1935-1945. …
  5. #5: The Roman Army of Julius Caesar. …
  6. #6: The Mongolian Army. …
  7. #7: The British Red Coats. …
  8. #8: The Red Army. …

Who is the greatest warrior of all time?


  1. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Known as one of the greatest warriors ever, Alexander the Great was a renowned king too in an ancient Greek town. …
  3. ASHOKA. …

What is the most elite military unit ever?

Top Ten, Most Elite Special Operation Units in the US Military

  • USMC Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team. …
  • USAF Pararescuemen, PJ. …
  • US Army 75th Ranger Regiment. …
  • US Army Intelligence Support Activity. …
  • USMC Force Reconnaissance. …
  • US Navy Seals. …
  • US Army Delta Force.

What is the most secretive military unit?

SOG is considered the most secretive special operations force within the United States, with fewer than 100 operators. The group often recruits personnel from special mission units within the U.S. Special Operations community.

Who has the best trained soldiers in the world?

United States Navy SEALs

United States Navy SEALs are perhaps the finest special operations forces in the world. The competitive standard to even be considered for BUD/S training is to swim 500 yards in 10:30, 79 push-ups, 79 sit-ups, 11 pull-ups, and a 10:20 1.5 mile run.

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