Can someone clarify Livy’s argument in Book 21, Chapter 19 of Ab Urbe Condita Libri?

What did Livy say about Romulus?

Livy admits that the senate may have torn Romulus “limb from limb”31 but refuses to accept that account. Without surprise, he supports the account where Proculus Julius is said to have seen Romulus come down from heaven, as this supports the Roman view of Romulus being a god.
May 5, 2016

What is the name of the author of the primary source ab urbe condita from the founding of the city ]?

– “This description of the work was written by Erwin Arnold. |BSB shelfmark: Clm 15731″–Note extracted from World Digital Library.

When was ab urbe condita Libri written?

around 27 BC

“The History of Rome”, or “Ab Urbe Condita Libri” is a monumental history of Ancient Rome written in Latin around 27 BC by the historian Titus Livius, known in English as Livy.

Is Livy a reliable source?

This does not mean that Livy is now regarded as the most reliable of all ancient historians, but we can no longer approach his work as mere propaganda. Although he and his annalistic predecessors have often embellished the plain facts, the hard core of Livy’s information is essentially reliable.

Why is Livy important?

Livy’s most famous work was his history of Rome. In it he narrates a complete history of the city of Rome, from its foundation to the death of Augustus. Because he was writing under the reign of Augustus, Livy’s history emphasizes the great triumphs of Rome.

What does ab urbe condita stand for?

from the city (being) founded

Origin of ab urbe condita

Literally, “from the city (being) founded

Who were Livy’s sources?

In Books 31-45, Polybius, Antias and Claudius Quadrigarius were Livy’s sources. All these books are lost. It is a testimony to the quality of Livy’s work that almost all his sources are now lost. Livy’s account is as good as his sources, and we are fortunate that he was able to evaluate the quality of them.

What language was Livy’s early history of Rome originally written in?


It is this eloquence that is Livy’s second claim to distinction. Together with Cicero and Tacitus, Livy set new standards of literary style. The earliest Roman historians had written in Greek, the language of culture.

Why is Livy unreliable?

Livy acknowledged a lack of contemporary written records from which to verify facts from Rome’s beginnings. Sometimes he mistranslated Greek literary sources. Without a background in practical military affairs or politics, his reliability in these areas is limited.

Who was Livy’s intended audience?

Livy wrote primarily for the literate nobility as an audience. Emperors such as Augustus and Claudius adored his works.

What is the moral of the story of Romulus and Remus?

The legend of Romulus and Remus gave Romans a divine ancestry since the twins were said to be the offspring of the god Mars and the Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia. The story also presented a lesson in overcoming adversity.

How would you describe Livy’s historical method?

Livy evolved a varied and flexible style that the ancient critic Quintilian characterized as a “milky richness.” At one moment he will set the scene in long, periodic clauses; at another a few terse, abrupt sentences will mirror the rapidity of the action.

Why did the writings of the poet Virgil and the historian Livy focus on the rise and fall of Roman power?

Why did the writings of the poet Virgil and the historian Livy focus on the rise and fall of Roman power? They wanted Rome’s enemies to fear its power.

What did Livy say about Hannibal?

Livy’s opinion of Hannibal is voiced by the Carthaginian noble Hanno, who says “and this son of his, with the devil in his heart and the torch in his hand, to kindle its flames, I hate and abhor”. Hanno (Hanno II the Great) opposed war with Rome in the Carthaginian assembly (10).

What year is it ad urbe condita?

In reference to the traditional year of the foundation of Rome, the year 1 BC would be written AUC 753, whereas AD 1 would be AUC 754. The foundation of the Roman Empire in 27 BC would be AUC 727.

Calendar era.

AUC Year Event
2601 AD 1848 Italian unification
2623 AD 1870 Foundation of the Kingdom of Italy

Who wrote the first history of Rome?

Theodor Mommsen

The History of Rome (German: Römische Geschichte) is a multi-volume history of ancient Rome written by Theodor Mommsen (1817–1903). Originally published by Reimer & Hirzel, Leipzig, as three volumes during 1854–1856, the work dealt with the Roman Republic.

How do you cite Livy?

Citation Data

  1. MLA. Livy. The Early History of Rome. Books I-V of The History of Rome from Its Foundation. [Harmondsworth, Eng.] :Penguin, 1971.
  2. APA. Livy. ( 1971). The early history of Rome. …
  3. Chicago. Livy. The Early History of Rome. Books I-V of The History of Rome from Its Foundation.

What year was 753 BC?

750s BC

Millennium: 1st millennium BC
Centuries: 9th century BC 8th century BC 7th century BC
Decades: 770s BC 760s BC 750s BC 740s BC 730s BC
Years: 759 BC 758 BC 757 BC 756 BC 755 BC 754 BC 753 BC 752 BC 751 BC 750 BC
Categories: Births Deaths

What happened 27bc?

In 27 B.C., Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was awarded the honorific title of Augustus by a decree of the Senate. So began the Roman empire and the principate of the Julio-Claudians: Augustus (r.

Who actually found Rome?


According to tradition, on April 21, 753 B.C., Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, found Rome on the site where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants.

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