Why did Native Americans originally migrate to the Americas?

Drought, flood, and temperature changes could certainly push people to move on. Climate change also affects the food supply, and anthropologists have assumed that people came to the Americas because they were following food on the hoof.  How did the Native Americans get to the Americas in the first place? Scientists have found that Native …

Why didn’t Hannibal attack Rome after the Battle of Cannae?

Why did Hannibal not attack Rome after Cannae? Short Answer: His army was too small to either assault or securely besiege Rome. Rome itself remain defended by two legions and a large, conscriptable population. Marching on and laying siege to Rome was beyond his logistical capacity.  What happened to Rome after the Battle of Cannae? …

Did Northern troops attempt to re-enslave African Americans in Southern plantations during the Civil War?

How were African Americans treated during the Civil War? During the Civil War, black troops were often assigned tough, dirty jobs like digging trenches. Black regiments were commonly issued inferior equipment and were sometimes given inadequate medical treatment in racially segregated hospitals. African-American troops were paid less than white soldiers. What happened to Southern plantations …

What prevented the Mongolian Empire from expanding into Europe?

The Death of Ogedei Khan in December of 1241 is the most attributed reason for the discontinuation of the invasion of Europe. Why did the Mongols stop expanding into Europe? A detailed analysis of climate data, including tree rings, combined with contemporary accounts led them to conclude that unusually wet, marshy Spring conditions forced the …

Why did Mettius Fufetius not join the Veiites in directly attacking the Roman King Tullus Hostilius?

What was the punishment for Mettius Fufetius? Hostilius, after miraculously winning the battle, ruled that since Mettius was torn between the two cities, the same would be done to his body. His arms were then attached to two chariots that then ran in opposite directions; the result was naturally fatal. Was tullus hostilius a good …

How did people apply for university in the 18th century?

How did people study in the 18th century? The tutorial system in the 18th century meant there were no classes to attend and no professors lecturing. This was an independent study approach where “fellows” (tutors) would be assigned 1-3 students and would host 1-hour weekly discussion sessions with those students.  What was education like in …

Organizing the 1788 presidential and congressional elections

What was the electoral vote in 1788? All 69 electors cast one vote for Washington, making his election unanimous. Adams won 34 electoral votes and the vice presidency. The remaining 35 electoral votes were split among 10 candidates, including John Jay, who finished third with nine electoral votes. When was the first presidential election? On …