How big was the kapa trade out of Hawaii?

Who was impacted most by the sandalwood trade why?

The Chinese demand for sandalwood changed Hawaii from a subsistence economy to a materials and products society. Iron tools, furniture, fabrics as well as new plants and animals were all exchanged for Hawaii’s sandalwood forests. Between 1800 and 1830 the sandalwood trade would dominate the Hawaiian economy.

How did the sandalwood trade negatively impact Hawaiians?

[117] By the mid-1830s, supplies of sandalwood were virtually exhausted, and other commodities such as salt, coconut oil, and beef cattle had begun to take its place. Lacking food and suffering from an excessive workload, many laborers died, contributing to the general decline in the Hawaiian population.

What is Hawaii’s biggest food export?

1. Cold-Water Shrimp and Prawns. The largest food products exported by Hawaii based on dollar value are shrimp and prawns.

What is the difference between kapa and tapa?

In Hawaiʻi, the generic Polynesian term, tapa is called kapa. It is most refined in Hawaiʻi and is recognized as “a variety unsurpassed by any other culture of the Pacific” (Pacific Tapa, p. 91, 1997).

Is there any sandalwood left in Hawaii?

Hawaii is home to six endemic species, representing the highest sandalwood diversity of any region in the world.

Is Hawaiian sandalwood extinct?

In Hawai’i, there was a general belief in the early part of the 20th century that sandalwood had become extinct (St. John 1948). In fact, all four of the presently recognized spe cies still exist. Three of these are not yet threatened with extinction or extirpation from any island where they are endemic.

Do Native Hawaiians want to stop tourism?

Native Hawaiians are asking people to consider not traveling to the islands for a variety of justice concerns, including cultural and environmental stability.

What was the penalty for breaking a Kapu?

The punishment for children and parents who broke a kapu was usually death. One exception related in later times was a five-year-old girl who was caught eating a banana. The high chief was indulgent. He gave her a light punishment for breaking the eating kapu.

Why did the sandalwood trade collapse?

By 1840, the Hawaiian sandalwood trade had come to a halt because of the low quality of the remaining heartwood in the islands. The Americans introduced cattle, goats and grasses into the native forest. This did not provide the ecological conditions conducive to regenerating native vegetation.

What was the sandalwood trade?

From the 1790s until 1830, sandalwood – the fragrant wood of the iliahi tree – was exchanged by Hawaiian chiefs for foreign goods offered by New England traders, who then shipped it to Canton, China, where they sold it for profit to Chinese merchants, who fashioned it for sale into boxes and chests, or sold it as

What did the sandalwood traders bring to Hawaii?

Hawaiians used sandalwood mainly for minor medicinal treatments and to scent kapa, the bark cloth used for clothing and bedding. They couldn’t comprehend foreigners’ singular obsession with the tree, a revered and precious treasure in Asia.

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