What is the average price, in silver, for a loaf of bread through history?

What was the price of bread?

The Price of Bread

YEAR Cost of 1 lb. of Bread Federal Minimum Wage
1950 $0.12 $0.75
1960 $0.23 $1.00
1970 $0.25 $1.60
1980 $0.50 $3.10

How much is a loaf of bread in Germany?

Living Costs & Expenses in Germany

Expense Price In Germany (€) Converted Price (£)
Utilities (electricity, heating, water, garbage) for 85m2 apartment) €216.95 per month £184.38 per month
Loaf of bread €1.23 £1.05
Milk (1 litre) €0.67 £0.57
Bottled Water (1.5 litre) €0.39 £0.33

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